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draco's pov

it was finally sunday and i was getting ready into a casual but nice outfit. i run down the stairs to my mother and nearly run into my father.

"careful draco" he says seemingly annoyed. "where are you off to in such a rush?"

"oh, I was going to mother, she was uhm....going to bring me to diagon alley." I say. i'm slightly wary of my father.

"diagon alley. why are you going there we haven't gotten your school list yet."

"i'm meeting up with a friend." i say. my mother walks over smiling.

"are you ready to leave draco?" she asks sweetly.

i nod quickly and head to our fireplace. i grab a bit of floo powder and travel to diagon alley. i step out in the leaky cauldron and look around. i see the s/c girl sitting in a booth drinking some gilly water. i smile and walk over as my mom comes out of the fireplace.

"now draco remember i'm picking you up at 1:30 be back here by then." she says. i nod.

"understood mother thank you." i say. i walk over as she leaves and smile.

y/n looks up and smiles unsure. "hey dragon boy."

y/n's pov

Malfoy walks up and smiles awkwardly. "so what do you want to do?" he asks.

"we can go to the sundae shop" I suggest standing. he nods and I sling my bag around my arm. we walk out to get ice cream and order.

"i can pay." draco says pulling out his wallet.

"we can pay for ourselves"  i say doing the same.

"let me pay" he said slightly annoyed.

annoyed I reply, "then I pay for you sometime later."

"no let me be nice and pay for you." he says growling.

I groan and finally except and get into the short line. we wait, looking at the flavours, until our turn comes up.

"i'll have a peanut butter chocolate." dragon boy says.

"f/f please." I say to the cashier.
a/n personally I love chunky munky

they nod and ring us up getting us our cones. I smile slightly as draco pays and we're handed our treats. we walk outside and I start talking about the potions homework we were assigned for over break.

"I haven't actually been able to understand it." draco says embarrassed.

"oh I can help." I say and grab my bag pulling out my book and a pen, I don't enjoy carrying a quill and ink around, and I scoot towards the blonde as he takes out his parchment.


dragon boy and I finished our summer homework and ice cream and we look up to the clock to see it's nearly 1. we spent all our time on homework pratically. I laughed to myself and stand to stretch.

draco does the same. "how about we check out the quidditch store." draco says. I smile nodding.

"if you were to be on a quidditch team what position would you be?" I ask as we walk to the quidditch shop.

"seeker 100 percent." he says laughing.

I snicker "like you could catch the snitch." I said jokingly.

dragon boy scoffs, "how about you"

"beater." I say proudly.

"beater?" he repeats. "why beater."

"it would be fun I suppose."

we roam around the quidditch store and then flourish and blotts. finally it was time to go back to the leaky cauldron and head back. we walk in and see narcissa and luscious standing and waiting.

narcissa smiles sweetly and I wave slightly. draco walks over. "see you later." he says. his father, mother and him head to the fireplace and I hear his mother start to speak.

"how was your date dear?" she asks and I stay silent shocked and see draco tense.

I hide back my awkward laugh before seeing my mother and leaves.

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