Kali's POV - The Ad That COULD NOT Wait

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My room was small, but reasonable.  I have to get the smaller room anyways since I'm younger (by a minute), or so the "sibling" rules Nat set up says.  It was tan colored and had a fairly large window on the right wall.  A desk was implanted already below the window which is pretty nice.  I take some small mirrors and and set them up above my bed frame.  I have my surfboard that I got for Christmas when I was thirteen, resting on the wall for now.  Soon it will be out in the backyard shed surrounded by a beach and an ocean.  I've been surfing since I was seven and I still love doing it today.

Once I finish putting my stuff away it's already 4:00am.  Back in San Diego it would have been only 10:00pm so I'm not that tired besides the jetlag.

I decide it's time I should change all my stuff to Australian since I live in Australia now, y'know, gotta fit in with the crowd.  I open my laptop, change things, then I look up bands because that's what I do when I'm bored.  I look up Blink-182 and then an ad pops up right away.

"AHAJAHAHHAHIKNAOLBJSUBABHOSVYFSGAHAHAHHHH.  OH MYYYYYY GOOOOOODDDDD NAAAAAT GET IN HERERRERERERER!"  It was an ad for discounted tickets to a Blink concert that was coming to town.  I've listened to them since I was about nine years old and the same goes for Nat.  To say we were fans would be a huge understatement.

I scream and jump up and down on my bed.  I could hear mom and dad yell at me from their downstairs bedroom, trying to get me to shut up.  Nat runs into my bedroom with her laptop and a cell phone with another person on the end.

"OH MY GOD WHAT is someone trying to rape you?"  She looks around frantically.

Taking deep breaths, I shake my head.  "No, oh my gosh Nat, calm down, okay, so Blink-182 is in town and I have to go see them!"  I shake her shoulders excitedly.

"Wait really?"  She looks at my screen with wide, excited eyes.

"We have to go!"  She goes back to her room skipping and talking to the other person on the phone.  Nat has a lot of friends because she is outgoing with new people and has things to talk about.  I was never good at making friends but I still talk to anyone.  I'm not really shy, it's just that I don't try too hard to make friends.  My best friends are the people that live in this house.

I decide to go and tell my parents about this concert.  I run down stairs lightning speed and burst through my parents bedroom door.  They must have been sleeping, because their room is dark and I can see lumps under the covers.  I decide to wake them up.


"Jesus Kali couldn't this have waited until morning?  Your brother is asleep now be quiet!"  My dad sits up on the bed.

"NO FATHER, THIS COULD NOT."  Mom had the pillow over her head and started to groan.

"Ok dad get ready.... IT'S A BLINK CONCERT!"  My dad always liked that band from the start.  I threw my hands up in the air and waited for a response from him.

"Wow they are really here?"  He seemed happy.  I nodded then beg him some more about the concert and being able to go.  He sighed.  "I think it would be ok for you to go I guess.  As long as you bring Nat along with you for safety reasons."  Of course I would bring her.  If I didn't who knows what would go down.

I skipped all the way back upstairs to my room humming First Date by Blink-182.  Right away I got on iTunes and started to listen to all their songs that I bought.

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