Kali's POV - This Bass Player Dude Can Fuck Right Off

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Where did Nat go?

I swear, she better not have went to sleep already...  Or be off with a guy.  She doesn't need either of those things.  What I need is for her to start a conversation with people so I can smoothly come into the conversation without me messing it up from the start. 

I walk around some teens and go over to Milla, who was waiting for company.

    "Hey.  Have you seen Nat?"  I look around the crowd who is now dancing to My Chemical Romance for any signs of my twin sister.

    Milla must have just been waiting for a person to dance with, because she grabs my hand and starts walking to the center of the room where everyone is dancing.  "No I haven't seen her.  But you should come and dance!"  We start dancing, and trust me, I can't dance.

    "This is an awesome party Kali.  Thanks for inviting us!"  She was dancing away to the music.  I saw Ginna out of the corner of my eye coming with a bottle of water.

    "Hey sorry I just needed liquids."  She sits down on a chair in front of us but Milla drags her back up.

    "No!"  Ginna started to giggle.  "I'm not dancing!"  I giggled and we made our way closer to the stereo.

Dang, there was a lot of people here.  I never realized this much people live around us.  It was kind of crowded as we made our way to the stereo.  I saw four boys dancing and talking to a lot of people near the stereo.  Those people happened to be a group of girls, obviously trying to flirt.  One of the boys had dark hair and one had blonde.  One had red hair and one had curly sandy blonde hair.

    Some of the people were starting to clear out of the dance floor to get food and what not except those boys.  Where is your sister when you need her.  Oh no.  People are starting to twerk.

    We all laugh and just keep dancing.

I notice the dark haired boy staring at my bass on it's stand in the corner of the room.  He picked it up and studied it closely.

How.  Dare.  He.

Not only was it expensive, but I've had it since I was twelve.  Guitar was my first instrument, then I made an upgrade to bass guitar, which, for some reason, I like more.  And I wasn't planning on having some amateur wreck it tonight!  It was my baby so I ran over to it.

    I stop short of him and put my hands on my hips.  "Hey put that down!  Please."

    The dark haired boy turns around, raising an eyebrow at me, but didn't set down my bass.  "Oh.  Sorry.  You play?"

    Upon closer inspection, I realized that the tips of his dark har were dyed blond.  "Yeah." I was ok I guess.  I haven't practiced for a while since we moved.

    "Cool.  Same here."  He sits down on a stool and starts to strum.  Wow he was good.  I could barely hear it over the music but then someone turned it off.

    "Who did that?!"  Milla yelled over the mumbling voices of the crowd.

    "You guys both play bass right?  We should have, like, a competition!"  Some random scrawny boy yelled.  People started to agree.

    No, no, no.  I was starting to blush and get awkward.  Why must things like this happen to me.

    The boy next to me stood a little taller once all the attention was on us, and his height only made me seem even more inferior to him.  He was super tall.

"Hey, I don't want to have her cry or be upset when I win."  The dark haired boy said still strumming.  Some boys went OOOOOHHH.

    Did he just say that?  I turned around to face him and then grabbed my bass out of his hands.

"You're on," I challenged.  Milla and Ginna started to OOH louder.  Just when the competition was about to start, Nat came down stairs.  She walked over to Milla and Ginna.  She mouthed me "you can do this."  I started to strum to I Miss you by Blink-182.  People started to cheer me on.  I got used to it right away.  The people don't bother me, not anymore at least.  The dark haired boy came out with another bass he found in the closet.  He tuned it quickly and then came back over to me and started to play American Idiot by Green Day.  People were really enjoying us playing but I just wanted to kick this guys ass.

    "WOOO!"  People started to jam out.  Me and the dark haired boy both had serious looks on our faces.

    "WOO go Calum!"  That's it.  I cut Calum off and started to play Come As You Are by Nirvana.  The boys Calum was with started to jam out.  I stuck my tongue out at Calum.  He just did the same back.

    Calum then cut me off and started to play Money by Pink Floyd.  I saw my only 3 friends jamming out to the song.  I mouthed at my sister "cut it out."  She just mouthed back,  "Do better than Calum then."  I knew what she was doing though.  She knew that when I get jealous I get competitive.  I thought of a real good song to play.  Milla and Ginna were started cheering me on even though I haven't started yet.

    I thought I should bring Fall Out Boy into this battle.  I started to play Novocaine and I saw some people start to jump around dancing.  Calum glared at me but was tapping to the beat.

    "This is so great!"  Milla said while filming me on her phone.  A lot of people were apparently filming this.

    "Calum you got competition!"  A sandy blonde boy with dimples said.  The group Calum was with were dancing and filming.

    "Shut up," Calum mumbled while watching me.

    Calum picked up the bass and cut me off completely.  He played The Anthem by Good Charlotte.  Man I like this song a lot.  I actually let him finish it because it was so good.

    Right when he ended the song, my party pooper parents came down stair with some other adults.  They started to gather their teens and head out.

    "Wait who won?!"  I stood up and looked at the leaving crowd.
"It was me, blondie.  Fun party, by the way."  He smirked and then handed me my bass in a polite manner. He did not win.  N. O.

    "This isn't over!  Calum."  I pointed a finger at him and he just stuck his tongue out at me.

    After that I had to watch everyone go fangirl over Calum while I stand here, alone.

"Oh my gosh!  Great job Kali!"  Milla and Nat came and gave me a hug. Ginna waited for those two to stop hugging me before she gave me a quick hug.

"You did really good Kali,"  she smiled.

"Thank you."  I gave them all a hug and we laughed.

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