Nat's POV - I Broke Up With My Boyfriend

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Today is the day...  well, technically the last day.  The last day before I leave all my memories behind and move on to a new life in Australia.  October 5th, 2015.

We wouldn't be moving if it wasn't for my father.  My dad is a highly requested marine biologist, and he got a job transfer to Australia.  It was an abrupt move, but they apparently need my dad down there, and the pay will be better so it couldn't be too bad, right?

Totally wrong.

I'm not excited.  At all.  I love it here in San Diego.  I'm a beach baby.  I actually have a life and now I have to give it all up!  Everything I've done in the past sixteen years has taken place under the Californian sun.  I don't really know how I feel about this whole moving process but it's going to happen and I can't do anything about it.

"NAT!" Kali, my twin sister, yells as she runs into my room.

"What do you want?!?"  She was always so spasy.

"Jeez, calm down," she mumbles, "it's time for dinner." She walks out of my room.

I sigh.  My last dinner ever in California...  My home sweet home.  I walk downstairs, taking in the look of the house to remember it all.  The winding staircase down to the wooden floors of the house, the kitchen on the right with a large glass window showing the cliff over the ocean.  I almost shed a tear.

Tonight it was pizza for dinner...  My favorite!  I grabbed food and went back to my room to watch Netflix.  I ate my pizza and contemplated on whether or not to text my ex, Alex.  We broke up recently because we didn't want to try long distance, but we are still planning on staying friends.

Maybe I would text him.  It would make me feel better, and I bet it would make him feel better too knowing that I cared enough to talk to him.

N- hey
A- what's up?
N- not much just thinking about how much I'm going to miss my home...
A- you'll be fine
N- idk I'm gonna miss y'all so much
A- there's Skype you know?
N- yeah buts its not the same...
N- need to sleep goodnight.
A- goodnight. Hey you'll be okay... I promise

Ugh.  If only he could come with me.  I set my phone down on the floor along with my strange feelings since there isn't anything left except my pillow and blanket.  Everything else was shipped down to Australia already.

I didn't want to leave but I had no choice.  Maybe Australia will be amazing.  I think to myself.  There was-- what was down there?  Poisonous things?  Surfer dudes with long hair?  I sigh and close my eyes.  I began to dream about the beach and how much I would miss it.  The last thing I remember thinking about was my friends.  I drifted to sleep and didn't wake up again until I heard Kali the next morning.

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