Ginna's POV - Thanks For The Party, Now I'm TRIGGERED

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"Ugh, I have to actually socialize!" I say in exasperation. Milla starts laughing and drags me up to a house. Apparently those girls we met at the Blink concert are having a 'Welcome To The Neighborhood' party or something like that. I just don't understand why there throwing it themselves.

"Hello," Milla says to a lady in the doorway. I smile at them, trying to be polite without actually talking, tricky business but I just can't talk to strangers so they have to deal.

    We walk into the house where a bunch of adults stare at us. Creepy pedos. But we're directed downstairs where I hear music blasting. I hear mainstream. God dammit I forgot my earbuds, I don't need to know about how Pitbull got a boner and stuck his ding dong up someone's peanut hole. Stupid mainstream music. I mean you could play like Imagine Dragons, at least they're not like pop and have good meanings. Their basement is huge. A royal blue rug on the floor, a disco ball hanging from the ceiling, and lights shining everywhere. In the corner there was a keyboard, Bass, and a microphone. 'Musicians' I thought. I continued to look around when a girl walked up to us.

    "Hey," I see the blue smurf one say, I think she's Kali. Or was it Nat. I'll just not use names.

    "Hey, so no alcohol, right?" Milla asks. I see the smurf snort and shake her head.

    "Come and dance to this shitty music my parents are playing on shuffle, everyone from the neighborhood is here," Smurf says sarcastically.

    "I'll be there soon," Milla answers she turns to me, I know what she's gonna say before she even takes a breathe, "If you want you can stick near me or go off on your own, but if you feel it coming go to the bathroom and text me I'll be there as soon as I can be," I nod and she takes off after the Smurf. I guess I'm on my own.

     I walk at the edge of the crowd, I can feel that nervousness in my stomach but that's normal, I get it all the time. There's a table filled with food and drinks so I walk over and grab a couple crackers and a water. I can barely eat anything else so I don't see the point of wasting food.

    "Luke really," I hear a familiar voice say. But who was it. I look over by the table and see a familiar smile. It was Michael. Oh god I need to move away from here before I pass out. I walk to a hallway trying to find an open room. Wiggling a handle I finally find the bathroom and I sit on the toilet waiting for the memories to flood back.

So long to all my friends
Everyone of them met tragic ends

I hear the calming voice of Michael outside my room. He knew I had a bad day and came over to my house.

With every passing day
I'd be lying if I didn't say
That I miss them all tonight

I wipe my tear filled eyes and open the door. I feel Michael hug me and we sit on the floor in my doorway. My mom doesn't care shes not home.

"Do you want to talk about it," he asks, his voice is soft like if he talks too loud he's gonna break a void. I shake my head and let the tears run down my face.

And if they only knew what I would say
If I could be with you tonight

He continues singing that song. After he's finished we just sit in silence as he comforts me.

"G." I look up at him and he smiles slightly,"I have to go."

"Oh, okay," I stand up letting him stand. He looks at me and pulls me into a hug.

"Call me if you need to," Michael whispers. I nod and he pulls away holding me a little away looking at my face and before I could pull away he leaned in putting his lips on mine. Michael pulls away smiling and turns and leaves.

*A couple months later*

I haven't talked to Michael in a month. I don't know what I did but I did something and he just doesn't want to talk. Things started getting awkward after Michael kissed me. I never felt any feelings for him so it was a nothing kiss.

I walked into school and saw Michael talking to some Calum dude he made friends with after he stopped talking to me. So he was my replacement. He fucking replaced me with some asian. Not to be racist. But still, all that friendship down the drain. I guess I'll get over it then. Always have to forget people anyway. I see a girl who looks somewhat friendly. I think her names Milla but I don't know.

I hear a knocking on the door and yelling. Sighing I get up and open the door feeling arms embrace me.

"Oh god you're okay," I hear Milla say. I smile a little.

"Sorry I just saw Michael, you know the one I told you about," I say. She just hugs me.

"So when you gonna let go?"

"Oh, yeah," she starts chuckling, "let's go back to the party and if that Michael guy comes over I'll tell him to piss off."

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