Ginna's POV - Becoming The Ultimate Emo

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"Here is this okay?" Milla asks holding up a bottle of black dye.

"I was thinking of maybe doing red, if I get to choose." I look over at Nat and she just smirks.

"I think we could maybe dye it black and red," Kali adds. I nod at that and pick up a red dye and give it to Milla.

"Why don't you buy it," Nat asks. I bite my lip and look down nervously.

"I'm - uh- I'm still buying I just can't do it directly," I try to explain. I take my wallet out and give Milla a twenty. "I want change by the way."

Nat is still giving me a weird look but walks away. I look at Milla and she smiles and walks away to pay leaving me alone with Kali.

"Don't pay attention to Nat, I think I know why but I won't question, a lot of people go through it," Kali rambles. I smile at her and play with my soon to black and red hair.


"Ok, so let's start with the red and then dye over it with black," Nat says trying to open the bottle of red dye. I laugh nervously and glance at Kali. I've gotten closer to Kali over the past couple hours. She seems understanding and really sweet, not really outgoing and not scary.

"So G, you ready," Nat asks holding out a bottle of red stuff.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I answer. I feel the liquid go on my head and cringe at the cold.

I hear Nat laughing as my shoulders tense up. Well at least I have another American Idiot shirt that fits. She stops and tells me to open my tightly shut eyes.

I look around at Nat and she's smiling. "Are you ready for the black?" She questions, this time holding up a brush of black goop. I nod and she delicately runs the black around. She had made sure there was still red showing on the bottom and some on the top.

"I'm done," Nat calls. I stand up and look over at Milla who is smiling. I swear these guys did something, I hope they didn't though, Milla knows how I feel about that stuff. Kali is sitting on the couch obviously bored playing with her phone.

"So I just go shower it out and my hairs that color," I ask nervously. Nat nods.

"I'll show her to the bathroom," Kali speaks up stuffing her phone in her pocket. I sigh in relief and walk up the stairs after Kali.

"Nats not that bad you know," she says after we had gotten out of earshot.

"I know, I just don't know her that well, and I guess she's just so out there and different and popular and pretty I feel out of place next to her," I say shrugging. Kali laughs a little before answering.

"Don't feel intimidated, if it makes you feel better I can tell her to calm down a little," she says. I nod feeling a little embarrassed that people would have to do that for me. "Here's the bathroom, turn the knob and lock the door, my little brother knows nothing about privacy," Kali says closing the door and walking away giggling.

I sigh and take off my clothes and throw them to the sides not bothering to look in the mirror. I open the shower door and turn the water on and step in. I quickly let my hair rinse in the water before remembering I don't have a towel. God damnit it's always something. I turn off the shower and look for some kind of closet or place that they would hide their towels. I check under the sink, pads, toilet paper, cleaning supplies, washcloths, towels! I wipe myself down and rub my hair in the towel while I start grabbing my clothes. American Idiot shirt, check, black skinnies, check, weird mismatching socks, check, glasses, check. I finally look in the fogged mirror and see black and red on top of my head. I sigh and walk out and try to remember the way down.

I finally get down there and the weird people I consider some what friends are sitting in a circle. "Hey," I say.

"Damn, your hair looks amazing," Milla says. I giggle a little at the compliment, I can't take compliments.

"I did a good didn't I," Nat says. Yes, thank you for taking the attention off me.

"Yeah, thanks," I say to Nat. I see Kali giving Nat a look. God they probably 'talked.'

I sit closer to Kali so I'm in between her and Milla. Who knows how long this night will be.

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