Michaels POV: Emo Flashback Part 15673

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I was currently in Health class working on more rebuttals with some random annoying guy named Bradley. Boy do I hate this guy. He was the classic jock guy every school had. The big sport at our school was rugby and he was the star hooker. Other than the fact his brain was the size of a pea and his muscles were bigger than my head, he was an okay guy just very annoying.

    I could hear those annoying friends of G whispering and giggling about something behind us. I don't know how she got in with the crows of preppy American girls. Literally all American.

I whip my head around when I hear my name mentioned. G wasn't next to them anymore and the girls didn't seem bothered one bit. Sighing, I excuse myself to the bathroom to go find G.

She wasn't very good at hiding. She was right outside the classroom, holding her head in her hands. I slide down the wall next to her. G looks up at me with a confused look. She looked completely fine, just a little tired.

"Why are you here?" G asks, looking slightly confused. I bite my lip and look down embarrassed. Why would she want me out here anyways? Were not even friends anymore, she doesn't care about me anymore.

"Oh, I just had to pee and I saw you and I was gonna ask if you were okay, but you seem okay so I guess I'll just go pee now," I rush out, pushing myself off the floor.

"Michael." I turn around to see her looking at me. She gets up from the dirty hallway and stands in front of me. "I know I said I forgive you, but I was really hurt by you."

    "I'm still extremely sorry for how I treated you," I explain,"I know I was wrong to do so. I thought I ruined our friendship, I am so sorry."

    She rolls her eyes before going back into the classroom. After she left I hit the lockers before running to the bathroom. As I was peeing I thought about what had happened.


    Today has been a rough day for my best friend G. Today was her dad's death anniversary. Every year around this time she starts getting very distant. She never got along well with her mum and her dad was always there for her. Even if he died when she was six.

    G wasn't at school today. I had texted her throughout the day, getting very little response. I decided to check up on her.

    When I got to her house her mom let me in, saying she was upstairs. Once I was outside of her room I started singing, I didn't have the greatest voice for this song, but I knew it meant alot to G.

    So long to all my friends

    I started out. I could hear her shuffling in her room, getting closer to the door. When the door finally opened I enveloped her in a hug, bringing her into my chest. My shirt was slightly damp when I lifted her face to look at me asking her,"do you want to talk about it?"

    She shook her head, so I continued where I left off with the song I was singing. When I finished we sat on the floor, her in my arms. We were there for a while, just sitting in comfortable silence.

    "I need to go," I say, noticing the time. We get up off the floor and I look at G. I don't know what it was in that moment but she was so beautiful in that moment. Maybe it was the way the moonlight was hitting her messy hair, or the way her eyes sparkled as she looked at me, but I kissed her. Right there in her goddamn room after all that crying.

    As soon as I realized what I had done I bolted out of G's house. Not even saying goodbye to her mom.


    "Mate, you okay," I hear Luke say,"you've been staring at your penis for a good five minutes." I rest my head on the wall in front of the urinal

    "I fucked up so bad," I whisper.

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