Milla's POV: Curly Boy + Wet Pants = Ice CREAM

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I was walking away from G.  The sun was setting leaving a beautiful orange glow over the beach.  Today was fun.  I never really have been taught how to surf, besides that one time that my mums boyfriend took me and my brother. 

It's so obvious that G has feelings for Michael.  She used to be happy all the time around him.  She would constantly talk about how funny and dorky he was while I was over working at KFC thinking about chicken and mashed potatoes all the time.

Kali and Nat were setting the surfboards in the bed of the truck and G was catching up to me.

"You do know I hate that red haired boy right?" She snapped.

"Mmm," I mumbled.

G sighed a little too loudly.

"So.  Have you talked to that curly haired boy at all?" She asked.

"Ugh, no.  I'm too awkward and I'm afraid I'll accidentally puke on him or something,"

G erupted in laughter.

"Haha! You probably would.  Remember Jack and-"

"No!" I squealed.  Jack and I were a long story...

"Well that was pathetic and you should go after that one," she points over to the boys car,  "He seems muscled and funny enough to like you."


We climbed inside the car.  My butt slid onto my seat and G followed me in.  My pants were already soaking because my bathing suit was still wet, and my shirt was becoming see through. 

"So.  How about ice cream?" Nat said.

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