Calum's POV - The Plan To Free Michael From The Chubby Hands of Deppresion

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This party was... weird to say the least.  Ashton was the one to first hear about it from Milla's Tumblr page.  She has an angsty page from when we were around twelve that she still uses, and for some reason Ashton still follows it.  Not in a creepy way or anything, at least I hope so.
A new family had moved in across town by the beach near Milla's house.  It was a neighborhood party, and none of us are neighbors with the family, but it was a party so we came.  All what we had to do to get in their house was to smile behind a random couple that was making their way inside.  No one seemed to notice that we left with different 'parents'.

    "You sure told her, Calum!"  Luke said, kicking a piece of garbage on the side on the road.  "Playing bass like the god you are."

    "He was only teasing her because he thinks she's cute," Ashton said, receiving a lousy punch in the arm from me.

    I rolled my eyes at the sarcasm in his tone.  "Thanks, Luke.  And I see you got a girls number?"

    "Yeah, whose is it?  Someones mom?"  Michael says, grumbling while he shoves his hands in his pockets.

    Ashton gently shoves his shoulder, laughing uncomfortably.  "Jesus, who made you so crabby?  It was a fun party!  Right, guys?"

    Luke and I mumbled in agreement.
"You know what, Ashton, thanks for bringing us.  It.  Was.  Great.  And you know what else was great?"  Michael stopped in the middle of the street causing the rest of us to groan and stop as well.  "Seeing my former best friend who just happens to have been the last person I made out with, which was like, four years ago or something."

    Oh great, he was rambling now.  "How was that so bad?  At least you got to see her.  Did you at least say hi?"

    "Or hey?"  Luke says.

    He makes a sound with his mouth.  "Yeah.  Like I'd actually try to talk to her.  You know I can't talk to people before they talk to me.  I get nervous then get gas."  He made it sound like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

    "Right.  Forgot," I said, lying.  "Anyways," god I needed to change this subject.  "Luke, tell us about the girl you got the number from."

    We all started walking again.

    "Well," he started slowly, "Her name is Natala, I don't know why that's a name, but she told me to call her Nat so it's all good."

    We continued walking down the middle of the street until I spotted a McDonalds.  "Anyone up for some Mickey D's?"


    "Where the hell is Michael?"  I whisper, leaning over the table to Luke and Ashton, who were already going at their burgers and fries.

    Luke wiped at the corner of his mouth with his hand.  "Didn't you hear?  He ordered the entire dollar menu.  He'll come back in a while."

    Oh god, he's stress eating.  He doesn't need this.  We don't need this.  "It's just," I fidgeted in my seat.  "I feel bad about the whole Ginna thing, you know?  Like, I wish there was some way we could help him out."

    "With what, lady troubles?"  Ashton raised an eyebrow.  "And you really think the three of us have any more experience with the opposite sex than he does?"

    "Woah," Luke holds a hand up.  "Hey now!  The moms love me.  At open house for school last week-"

    "It's because you look like you're twelve-"

    "Luke, Ashton.  Please stop talking," I told them.  "What I'm trying to say is that maybe we could try to force them together.  Get them to talk, because they're obviously both depressed out of their minds."

    Ashton set down his burger and nodded.  "Agreed.  Luke and I both saw Ginna run into the bathroom once she spotted Michael.  I didn't think he had that bad of an effect on women..."

    "That's why I'm saying he needs our help.  We do this in secret though, he can't find out or else he might get mad."  I hated to see any of these guys sad, Michael especially because he was the one who was most open about it.  "This also means that we can't get involved with any of her friends.  We can't jeopardize anything.  So, what do you guys say?  You in?"

    The two nodded.  "We're in."

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