Nat's POV - Now Would be Good Time to be Anybody But Me. Actually no. I'm great

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"Okay your turn G," I said.

"Okay.  Truth or dare... Nat." G said.

I almost rubbed my hands together in excitement.  "Dare."  I was feeling adventurous tonight, and I wasn't sure if it was because I've had a good night or what, but I still looked good, and I still felt great, and nothing could ruin my night.

"Okay I dare you to call Luke Hemmings and ask him out." She said with a huge smirk on her face.  I always thought I was a daredevil until it came to this... I thought for a minute.

I don't know if I feel so great now.  Luke Hemmings was cute, he was tall, he was blond, he had an accent.  He had a lip ring for christ's sake!  He was perfect... except he was probably too perfect.  Maybe even more perfect than I was on my good days.

"Um... I don't think I have my phone." I was trying to hide the fact that I didn't want to call him.  But then again, if I didn't do this now, I might never get a chance to in the next two years of highschool.

"Here it is."  My evil twin held up my phone in her hand.  I sighed grabbed it out of her hand with a glare on my face.

"Thanks Kali... Thanks." I said mumbling. I went into my contacts and looked for Luke's. This is going to be awkward... I've only known him for, like, 2 days!

    I found his contact and pressed the call button immediately regretting that I had chosen dare.

    I dialed the number he gave me and waited.  This was so embarrassing.


    Almost squealing, I threw the phone on the carpeted ground before picking it up quickly to make sure it was okay.  "Hey, Luke!"


    Kali and Milla were wide eyed staring at me.  "Yeah, it's me."

    "Oh," he paused, but didn't sound annoyed.  He sounded happy!  ''Hey."

    "So what are you doing?"

    "Nothing.  I'm just sitting on the couch with the guys."

    The guys must be Calum, Ashton, and Michael.  "Cool..," I looked at the girls, unsure of when to break the question.  "So, I have a question for you."

    The phone made a sound and I guessed he had gotten up and moved to another room.  "Yeah?"

    Here goes nothing.  "I was wondering... doyouwanttogoonadatethisSaturday?"
    He chuckled and that only made me feel even more nervous.  His laugh was gorgeous of course.  "A little slower, please."

    I took a deep breath and just said it.

    Luke paused for a moment.  "Uh... sure..  Sounds fun."

    I let out a loud sigh of relief before I quickly realized he must have heard that by the way he chuckled.  "Okay, cool, I'll text you the details later."

    "Okay.  Goodnight, Nat."

    Ugh.  That voice.  I bet he wets all the ladies panties when he gets that low.  "Goodnight."

I hung up and exhaled.  Everyone started bursting out laughing.  I did it.  I accomplished a dare and it felt great.  I have a date!  I checked my phone the clock read 2:08. I was starting to get tired.  I suggested going to bed, only Milla agreed.  I began upstairs until I heard my name called.

"Nat wait for me!" Milla said running up the stairs. I walked with Milla into my room. and she stopped in her tracks. I looked at her.

"Milla... are you okay?" I asked. She was starting to cry. I pulled her into a hug. She pulled away wiping the river coming from her eyes.

"I'm sorry it's just that it looks a lot like my sister's room... She was killed in a car accident 4 years ago. She was 7. It's just kinda hard without her." She said noticing my tissues sitting on my desk. She pointed to it and I nodded while she grabbed one. She wiped the tears from her eyes and sat down on the corner of my bed.

"Okay my beds big enough for both of us so we can share it." She nodded and laid down on half of the bed. I soon did the same and instantly fell asleep.

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