Ashton's POV: This is Halloween (BONUS CHAPTER)

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Ok.  So this is a foreshadowing to the second book that I (one of the three of us AKA knopeimdone) wrote fairly recently one day because I was bored (as a filler), and yes, the second book will be spooky themed.  If you want a hint at what it's about, read this accounts username.  Enjoy

    It's Halloween today, which means it's been a month since Michael joined the rugby team and a month since Nat and Luke broke up.  Well, I honestly don't know if they were even a thing since they never made it through the first date.  Now he was dating some girl named Violet.  She kind of just tugged him around to the mall and stuff, but he seemed happy around her.  Sort of.

    "Wait, where are you guys going?  I thought we were going to hang out, Luke!"  She whined.

    Calum and I wait in the car for Luke to hurry up out of Violets house.  It was already 5 o'clock, meaning trick or treating was starting soon.

    "Violet, I'm going trick or treating with the boys," he explained, trying to move closer and closer to the car only for her to follow.

    "You don't even have a costume on!"

    I stuck my head out of the driver's side window.  "We're actually on our way over to Michael's, because our costumes are so multifaceted and cool that we have to put them on together."  It was true.  And since it was my last year trick or treating, we all decided to go all out.

    Violet sighed.  "Whatever.  Bye, Luke," she waved lamely at him as he got in the car.

    "Bye!"  Luke hopped in the backseat.  "Oh man, I can't wait for tonight!  I already brought my costume over to Michael's yesterday."

    "What are you going as?"  Calum asked.

    "Well, I was going to go as the Joker, but that's what Ashton is doing, so now I'm going as a dinosaur." 

    Calum laughed.  "Nice.  I'm going as Clark Kent."

    "Why don't you just go as Superman then?"

    "I mean, I am superman, it's just no one knows it."

    We get to Michaels house shortly.  "Aw shit!"  I cover my mouth after that because the little kids at the door all looked a bit young for that language.  Too bad they heard me.  "Kids are already trick or treating!"  The three of us run up to the house and past a group of eight year olds who just got candy from Michael.

    "Where were you guys?"  Michael asks, letting us inside quickly.

    "Picking up Luke from Violet's house," I told him.  "Where's the costumes?"

    "In my room.  We gotta hurry though, a lot of people come to my neighborhood because there's a lot of old people, and they give out king size candy bars.  They run out fast."

    Calum ran past us and up to Michael's room, eager to get into his costume.


    "Hurry up!  The sun is setting already, Luke!"  I yell out the door, trying my best to not itch off my makeup.  My joker makeup was all done from products Michael stole from his mother, and now it was starting to itch.  I kept scratching my face.  I better not be allergic to anything...

    "His costume requires a lot of air to actually work," Calum says, holding the air pump into Luke's mostly inflated dinosaur costume.  "Oh well, just forget it.  It's good enough, Luke.  Just put it in your candy bag for later." He hands the pump to him.

    "Thank god it's not cold out," Michael said, filing his hood on his sith lord Sheev Palpatine cloak.  "I'm not wearing anything under this cloak."

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