Ashton's POV: How to: Respecting Wamen

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Milla lead me up the path 'till we were behind the lifeguard shed.  She wouldn't even bother listening to what I had to say, and just walked with a slightly annoyed look on her face.  "I wanted-"

I interrupted her by pushing her up against the shed. "Talk one more time baby girl and I'll take your right here."

She blinked.  "The FUCK are you talking about?"

"I thought you liked that kind of stuff," I backed away from her.  "You really should make your likes on Tumblr private.  Or maybe just watch porn on adult websites like everybody else."

"Ha ha.  You think you're funny, Irwin?  Really?  And if you know what porn I watch then you'd know I only like big black-"

"I know you're joking."

"Partially.  I don't discriminate, pal."
    This was getting ridiculous.  "Can you just---"

    Milla stopped completely once we were out of view from anyone.  "You know, I find this recent behavior suspiciously fishy," she began, squinting her eyes at me, " and you know that, which is why you're doing it."

    I looked around.  "Doing what?"

    She flailed her arms around.  "This, Ashton!  Stalking us, following us to parties, having the nerve to talk to me in general," she dramatically shuddered, "ugh."

Goddamn.  "Well I'm sorry, I thought I was being polite."  Dang.  That sounded a lot worse when it left my mouth than when I thought of it in my head.  "Can I ask you a question?"

    "Why don't you go back to your boyfriends and stop bothering us."  Milla crossed her arms and eyed me devilishly.

    I smirked and stifled a laugh.  "Um, no.  Why must you always attack me with word?"

    She looked at me like it was the most obvious thing in the world and I started to laugh.  "You want me to use rocks instead?"

    I stopped laughing.  This was my que to leave.  "Yeah.  Okay.  Goodbye."  I turned to walk away before she grabbed me.

    "Wait, Ashton."

    I turned around and waited to hear what she had to say.

    "Sorry... it just... nevermind." She hesitated. "You can go."

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