Chapter 1: I'm not one of them

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(Hiccup's pov)

I'm not one of them.

They've made that painfully clear.

All my life, I've suffered from their verbal and physical abuse, I've been their laughing stock and I've been rejected by them all. Even my own father.

My "people" are the Hairy Hooligans of the Barbaric Archipelago; we're Vikings, our people have lived on the island of Berk for seven generations, but I'm no Hairy Hooligan.

According to them? I'm the Spawn of Loki, the Walking Disaster, I'm Hiccup the Useless in their eyes. A failure, a disappointment, a blight, a weakling.

A warble cuts me off from my foul thoughts, I look up to be greeted by the scaly face of the infamous Night Fury, I recently befriended this legendary dragons weeks ago and since then, all this dragon has shown me is kindness, compassion and friendship. I shot him down, trying to prove to my father that I can use my Mangler bola launchers to take down dragons, but instead all my hard work got me was my father scolding me in front of the entire village. Despite shooting the Night Fury down, I had the opportunity to kill him in the woods, but I didn't, I'm not one of them.

I named the dragon Toothless, since he can retract his teeth, and I've had to rebuild him a tail fin because he lost his left fin after crashing down, he could've killed me when I freed him from the bolas, but he spared me, and since then? We've become inseparable.

"Hey bud, sorry for zoning out there, I was just thinking." I say with a soft tone, I scratch Toothless's chin, causing him to purr in contentment and lean into my touch. For the past few weeks, I've been riding Toothless, since he can't control his other tail fin, I have to help control it for him, we just finished riding about an hour ago and the sun was starting to set, I had to get back home before Dad would send a search party to find me. That we don't need.

"Hey Toothless, I gotta go bud, my Dad's gonna be looking for me soon, and I can't afford to let them find you." I say, Toothless whines with displeasure, I chuckle lightly and stroke his head. "I'll be back as soon as I can alright? I promise." I then give him a hug around his neck, he nuzzles my neck and I bid my friend a final goodbye before exiting the cove and running back to the village.

As I enter the village, I see people heading toward the Great Hall for dinner, I head up their to grab a bite then I'd retire to the forge to check on a project of mine. The rest of the village doesn't know, but I've been training my body and my skills with the sword, throwing knives and bow in Toothless's Cove, and I've been doing it for as long as I could even lift a weapon. I'm tired of being the villages personal punching bag, and though I can fight back, I won't, because my bullies would press me further.

When I enter the Hall, I see the whole village is gathered, heads turn in my direction and looks of disgust, shame and rejection are thrown my way. What did I ever do to them? Nothing. I've done nothing and they look at me like I'm a plague.

They then continue talking and eating, ignoring me completely, I scoff and roll my eyes, I then grab a plate of food and sit in the furthest table and one thats not occupied, as I sit down, I hear whispers that make my blood boil in fury.

"Such a scrawny little runt."

"Why Stoick didn't kill him as a babe is beyond me."

"He's just like his mother. A weak, pathetic excuse of a Viking."

I want to get up and kill whoever mocked my mother, the late Queen Valka Haddock, I don't remember much of her, but as the stories go, she was different just like me and sought to make peace with dragons, and she was taken by dragons when I was just a few winters old. I miss her so much, because my pitiful excuse of a father treats me like everyone else in this cursed island, like I'm a failure.

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