Chapter 11: Send a message

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(Island of Berk)

Fishlegs Ingerman was currently in the Great Hall, having finished his breakfast, he was now nose deep into the Book of Dragons, the boy had spent many weeks increasing in knowledge, he had been present when the people found the message written in blood where he left Hiccup to suffer at the hands of Snotlout and his loyal lap dogs, the flabby boy felt a chill crawling down his spine remembering the message written in blood.

"You should've killed me tonight. Now I swear to every god in Asgard that I will raise an army, grow fat from strength and power and return to Berk with a fiery vengeance."

Whatever Snotlout and those idiots did to Hiccup that night must have finally caused the former heir of Berk to snap, perhaps the message meant nothing now, since Hiccup was dead. Killed by a Night Fury.

Regardless, since the death of Hiccup, Fishlegs has felt nothing but guilt and regret weigh heavy on his mind. The large boy was not known for his physical prowess, but he still could've helped Hiccup that night, and maybe he would still be alive today.

He was a coward.

Hiccup called him that the moment Fishlegs turned his back on him that night. The large boy closed his eyes and fought the urge to cry, he was a coward. A coward that could've easy overpowered Snotlout and everyone else that hurt Hiccup in that alley, if he could turn back time, he would've helped Hiccup in a heartbeat.

Sadly that isn't the case anymore.

"Some Viking you are Ingerman." Fishlegs muttered to himself, the large boy sighed heavily as he laid eyes on Astrid and the Hoffersons having breakfast, many of the villagers passed them by and congratulated Astrid, Stoick had announced he had chosen Astrid as his heir, and since then, the young shield maiden had a more focussed look on her face, well more than usual anyway.

"Look at her. She probably has it so good right now."

Fishlegs turned around to see Snotlout, Ruffnut and Tuffnut having breakfast together, the remainder of their group had finished their food early and went out for training, leaving those three together. Snotlout didn't take the news of Astrid being Stoick's chose their well, neither did the whole Jorgenson clan, they were of royal blood and were the logical chose to claim the seat of power on Berk, but Fishlegs could see why Stoick didn't choose Snotlout.

The boy was loud, far too full of himself, smart as a pile of rocks, arrogant, and would no doubt plunge Berk into ruin within the first week of his rule as chief.

Thank Thor he wasn't heir, but Snotlout believed otherwise, his jealousy was as clear as day, and his behavior was like a child throwing a series of tantrums, the whole village was starting to get sick of it, especially Fishlegs.

"Uh... how does she have it good? I mean she is one helluva of warrior! Better than you Snotlout!" Tuffnut snickered, Ruffnut too butted in. "Plus, she did come in first in dragon training, killed a Monstrous Nightmare, thus becoming an official Viking of the Hairy Hooligan tribe, and has become Berks chosen heir!"

These threes lack of intelligence insulted Fishlegs, he rolled his eyes and continued writing down information on dragon behavior, feeding patterns, and so on, but as the argument between the three teens became louder, Fishlegs became more annoyed and more frustrated with their loud voices.

"Wow!! Way to state the bloody obvious you two!! You guys are literally naming reasons how Astrid over there has life so good right now!!" Snotlout snarled out, he then sent Astrid a jealous gaze, as he took a messy and loud bite out of his chicken leg and began smacking his lips, he then faced the twins again. "I come from royal blood!! I should be heir and be learning how to take over as chief!! Not a girl!! It should be me that should have everything I can have and get! Me! Me! ME!!!!"

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