Chapter 15: The Saxons engage the Red Maw

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(Normal pov)

Snotlout let out an enraged roar as he brought his war hammer down on Boarface, the Viking teen dodged Snotlouts attack and raised his shield up as Snotlout smashed his hammer into the study shield, causing Boarface's arm to rattle.

The Jorgenson boy was jealous that Stoick had chosen a girl to become heir. Astrid Hofferson no less! Obviously that wasn't sitting well with Snotlout, he wanted nothing more than to bury his hammer into Astrid's skull.

Snotlout raised his shield up as he deflected an attack from Stefnir, the boys weapons of choice were a sword and tomahawk, despite the flurry of attacks Stefnir unleashed, Snotlout deflected them and bashed his shield into Stefnir's gut and then head butted his friend in the face, knocking him down.

"Argh!!" Snotlout roared out, he was one of the greatest warriors of his generation, second to Astrid of course, yet another reason Snotlout was jealous of Astrid. Snotlout hated to admit it, he really hated to admit it, but Astrid... is better than him in every way. "Damn Hofferson." He muttered under his breath.

Hilda and Brenna were practicing archery, and watching their male companions batter each other, Brenna then glanced at Snotlout, the boys spikes hair glistening in the afternoon sun, his body was sleeked in sweat and his chest was rising and falling; obviously exhausted from the intense training he, Boarface and Stefnir had been putting on for three hours.

"You've been pushing yourself harder than usual Snothat." Hilda said in a taunting tone, Snotlout growled at her for messing with his name, so he gave her a piece of my mind. "My uncle made a mistake. I should be learning how to take over this village. ME!!!" He roared out, he then continued. "Not that... Hofferson bitch!!"

"What. Did. You. Just. Say?"

Everyone stopped dead in their tracks as they laid eyes on Astrid, Fishlegs and the Thorsten twins approach them, Astrid's face was burning with rage as she advanced towards Snotlout and snarled out. "I didn't ask to become the replacement heir Snotlout, but Stoick made the decision, and if you actually had a brain under that thick skull of yours? Stoick might have actually crowned you as heir..." Astrid advanced closer and seethed out. "...but he didn't. He made me heir. Now... take back what you said."

The teenagers held their breaths, the Hoffersons and Jorgensons were known rivals, and when a Jorgenson insults a Hofferosn? Blood was usually spilled or worse. So if Snotlout was smart, he'd take back what he said.

"No." He said firmly, Astrid raised an eyebrow. "No?" She asked, Astrid then pulled out her battle axe and brandished it. "Take. It. Back." She demanded, she would not let Snotlout insult her without repercussions, but Snotlout, believing himself to be the top dog, rested his war hammer on his shoulder and sneered at Astrid. "And I said no. N. O. Bitch." He spat out, Astrid's face turned red with rage as she raised her axe up and let out a war cry and brought the axe down, Snotlout quickly defended himself as the two locked weapons.

"You stole my opportunity to become Berks heir! I. Will. Crush you!!" Snotlout yelled as he pressed his weight in the lock, Astrid kicked him in the groin and bashed the butt of her axe into Snotlout's face, the stocky boy looked up to see Astrid's axe blade mere inches from his throat, the teenagers all head their breaths at the sight.

"I didn't steal anything you stupid fuck! Stoick gave me the title because he knows the moment you become heir, you will plunge Berk into ruin!!" Astrid yelled out, she then moved her axe down to Snotlout's cock, causing his eyes to widen in both shock and fear. "Now... take back what you said, or..." Astrid pressed the blade of her axe into Snotlout's cock, causing him to whimper and yelp in fear. " can kiss your cock goodbye." Astrid seethed out, valuing his family jewels, Snotlout swallowed down his pride. "Fine!! You're not a bitch Astrid. Forgive me." He said, even though he didn't really mean it, Astrid accepted it for now.

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