Chapter 24: Nearly losing your other half

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(Normal pov)

Hiccup refused to fall asleep, he knew what he saw, and something told him that these... Feather People will attack them. So the young Viking was sitting next to a fire to keep the cold at bay, Toothless approached his rider and curled up next to him, Hiccup smiled lightly and stroked Toothless's head gently. 

::You're going to wear yourself out if you don't sleep my friend::

Toothless purred, Hiccup snorted lightly and replied back. "I'm fine. I want to be ready in case the natives of these lands attack." Before Toothless could speak, a dart whistled through the air and struck Toothless in the neck, causing the Night Fury to roar out in surprise, Hiccup then saw Toothless drop. 


Before Hiccup could call for help, a dart stuck him in the neck too, he groaned in pain as he pulled the dart out, then his vision became blurry and then he fell on the sand, as his eyes were drifting shut, he saw Feather people approach him, then his vision went completely black. 

(Unknown location)

Hiccup groaned as his head throbbed in pain as the paralysis of the dart finally wore off, he looked around to see he was cuffed, he tried to break free, but even with his draconic abilities, he couldn't break free. 

"You cannot keep me here!! YOU HEAR ME!!!" Hiccup roared out, he tugged against the chains with a violent ferocity, but to no avail. Hiccup said heavily in frustration, he looked around to see a Feather person at the entrance of the cell he was in. The person cocked their head to the side, Hiccup's pupils turned into slits as he snarled at his kidnapper. 

"Release me. NOW!!" Hiccup roared out, the Feather person though spoke a language Hiccup couldn't understand, he then saw two guards open the cell and what appeared to be the native chief approach him. The native chief looked at Hiccup from head to toe and then spoke to his guards, the guards took the cuffs of Hiccup but kept their weapons on the young Viking. 


The chieftain said, his Norse was lacking, but at least he spoke the language, Hiccup was grabbed by the two guards and dragged where the chief was going, Hiccup couldn't fight back if he could, the paralysis of the dart was still wearing off, but keeping his strength pinned down. 

The group were approaching a door and when they reached outside the jails, Hiccup's eyes widened and his mouth was gaped open in shock. Before him, chained to the ground everywhere were... Night Furies. Well, a sub species of the dragon, but what made these Fury class dragons different from Toothless was that they bird like wings, these dragons were white and had colorful wings, spines, scales and tails, they were all the same size as Toothless. However it seems these natives weren't friends of dragons, these Fury class dragons were all bloodied, bruised, and some of their delicate feathers were plucked out. 

The sight made Hiccup's blood boil.

Hiccup laid eyes on the chieftain of this foreign land, who turned to look Hiccup in the eye and raise an eyebrow. "You... have... Fury... too." The chief said, Hiccup saw Toothless down there being sniffed into oblivion by his species as Toothless was being dragged to be chained up as well, Hiccup then looked back into the chiefs eyes and glared at him. "Why did you kidnap me and my dragon?" He demanded, the chief however looked down at the people among the Fury dragons. 

The chieftain declared something that Hiccup couldn't understand, but all he all could see were homes that were made of stone, they were near a massive river bed, and he could lay eyes on massive pyramid like temples. When the chief finished speaking he ordered the guards that had Hiccup to come along, they dragged Hiccup across the dirt and the native Feather People were spitting insults and curses at Hiccup, even thought the Viking did not understand a word they were saying. 

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