Chapter 26: Familiar faces yet different people

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(Normal pov)

"Daddy daddy daddy!!"

Hiccup scooped Halvor and Ingrid in his arms, both of his children were five years old now and they were one of the many things that were keeping him from losing his mind. Halvor had raven black hair and Heather's personality- kind, gentle, and fierce. Ingrid had Hiccup's auburn hair and had a keen mind like her father. Both children had bonded with Toothless hatchlings, they all learned how to ride with each other even at a young age, but Hiccup and Toothless taught their children to not rush the process, but rather to take their time with it and trust in each other fully.

"Hello little ones! How was dragon training?" Hiccup asked, Halvor giggled and buried his face in Hiccup's chest, while Ingrid hugged Hiccup's neck and answered. "It was fun Daddy! Spot and I are getting better and better!" Hiccup smiled at his daughters words, he then turned to his son. "Halvor? How was riding with Gnash?" Halvor looked into his fathers eyes and smiled. "Fun Daddy! Gnash lost another tooth today though." Hiccup nodded at his sons words, Gnash had lost many of his teeth as a earlier hatchling, and Hiccup used the teeth to construct dragon teeth necklaces for his children.

"What about you Daddy? How was your day today?"

"Yeah!! You lead everyone and everything here! Aren't you really tired?"

Hiccup chuckled at his children's words and hugged them close, as they did to him, Hiccup kissed each of their heads and answered their questions. "Oh yes, I'm tired, but I find ways to stay awake long enough so I can finish my duties for the day." Hiccup looked into his children's eyes and smiled. "One day, either one of you will become king or queen of the North. You'll lead the largest Viking empire in history! Many will fear you, love you, respect you, and disappoint you. But you must choose your allies carefully, being king is very dangerous."

"Why is that Daddy?" Halvor asked curiously, Hiccup smiled at his sons childish innocence but answered his question. "Because being king can also paint a target on your back. Bad people will try and take everything away from you, kill or sell all or dragons. And wipe our culture off the face of Midgard." Hiccup said, both Halvor and Ingrid gasped in shock at Hiccup's words. "Why would people want to hurt us Daddy?" Ingrid asked, Hiccup turned to his daughter and smiled sadly. "Because... being a Viking and befriended dragons isn't... the traditional Viking way. For those who came before us anyway. The truth is children, those who frown at our ways are scared of us."

Both Ingrid and Halvor cocked their heads slightly. "Why is that Daddy?" They both asked, Hiccup licked his lips and answered them. "Because we have dragons. We ride them and we share bonds with them. So the reason the bad people are scared of us is because they know that we're stronger than them and that we can destroy them all thanks to the help of our dragons." Hiccup said in a way his children would understand, they nodded in understanding, but before they could ask another question, a knock was heard at the door, the family turned their attention to the door.


The door opened to reveal...

"Grandma Valka!!"

Both Halvor and Ingrid said happily, they rushed the matriarch of House Haddock and the now forty year old scooped her grandchildren in her arms. "Well hello my beauties! Do you want to join Uncle Halfdan and Aunt Hava outside for some food while I speak with your father?" She asked, the two children nodded and Valka chuckled at the energy the children possessed, mother and son could hear the children greeting Halfan and Hava and following them down the hallway.

"Hello Hiccup." Valka said gently, Hiccup got and up and the two shared a warm embrace, Valka kissed the side of his mouth and enjoyed the warmth of Hiccup's hug. When they broke apart, Valka caressed Hiccup's lightly stubbled cheeks, Hiccup leaned into his mothers loving touch and they exited his chambers as walked down the hallway to see Blood guards standing at the walls, when they walked passed them, the guards followed the royal family.

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