Chapter 33: I love you

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(Normal pov)

Hiccup and his lieutenants awaited their enemies, they had agreed to a parlay to have final words before all out war erupted. The Blood King stood in his black and crimson leather armor, Night Fury and Monstrous Nightmare scale cape, and Inferno clipped to his belt. The Red Maw lieutenants stood firmly by their leader, they would lay down their lives for the Blood King if it was deemed necessary.

Finally when the enemy dreadnaught docked at the harbor, Stoick, his Hooligans and the allies of Berk exited the dreadnaught, while their remaining fleet remained at sea. Hiccup laid eyes on Stoick, the mans beard had several streaks of silver hairs embedded with his auburn beard, there were bangs under his eyes and wrinkles were over his face; indicating his aging.

Stoick then took in the sight of Hiccup, he was taller, he was still thin compared to traditional Vikings, but he was no fishbone anymore, his hair reached his shoulders, the sides of his hair were braided, four twists were on the top of his hair and held back by a bridge of hair behind his head, he had a mustache above his lips and a goatee.

"Hiccup." Stoick said, Hiccup curled his lip at the sight of his ex father, he then spat out. "Father." Like the word itself was a joke, which it was to Hiccup. The Blood King then led his inner circle and his enemies to their Hall which was large enough to fit the entire city. Once they entered the Hall, Hiccup sat on his throne and his lieutenants sat beside him in their seats, while Stoick and his allies sat at the table in front of the Blood King.

"Hiccup Haddock, for your crimes against Vikings everywhere, we shall defeat you!" Mildew spat out, Hiccup turned to the old man and gave him a smirk that suited a shark. "Keep thinking that you old fool, you have all come so far to be sorely disappointed." Hiccup said, many of Berks allies gritted their teeth in disgust and fury toward Hiccup, yet they had to keep in line for now, their assassin would strike soon, and when the traitor was dead? Victory would be theirs.

(Hiccup's pov)

I snort at the hateful looks of Stoick's allies, they are growing in numbers, but its not enough. I scan the table until I land eyes on a very familiar face. "Grimmel. You just can't help yourself can you?" I ask in a hateful tone, I had encountered the infamous trophy hunter in Morocco, he and his tribe of hunters of the highest order, they are not to be trifled with.

Grimmel gives me a smirk and shrugs. "I was given the opportunity to eradicate the last known Night Fury and its sub species, as well as killing every other dragon you have with your kingdom and I took it. The aftermath of this war will make me and my hunters the most wealthiest people on this side of the world, then I can retire, knowing that I have completed my mission." The trophy hunter said, I gave him a humorless smile then turned back to Stoick.

"Why bother wasting our time with a parlay Stoick? We are all eager to spill blood, so why not get on with it?" I demanded, Stoick however glared at me then answered me. "I find this parlay a waste of time too, however, we should discuss the alternative paths." He said, I rolled my eyes and mumbled a 'here we go' to myself.

"Firstly, it would be wise to surrender yourself so that you can be brought back to Berk to face the the laws of our ancestors and then you will be executed for your heresy. Secondly, you will order your followers to lay down their arms and surrender, and finally, you will release my heir from your captivity." He said, I looked over to see Asbjorn Hofferson and smirked at the man. "You don't know, do you?" I asked teasingly, he glared at me as I continued. "She left Berk and came back to me. She is on my side now." I said with pride, Asbjorn rose from his seat and bared his teeth.

"Traitor. There is no way my daughter would aline herself with a piece of shit like you." He seethed out, I however turned to my Blood guards toward the back door and nodded at them, they bowed their heads and opened the door to reveal...

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