Chapter 20: Saving Dragons

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(Normal pov)

"Ninety eight!... Ninety nine!... Ugh!! One hundred!"

Hiccup had woken up early to do the training and exercises that he had been doing since he lived on Berk, his body was sleeked with sweat, his heat was beating heavily and strands of his long auburn locks dangled in front of his face. The young man decided to head to the pools to bathe, he grabbed a towel and a bar of soap, he was only in his leather pants and boots, he looked around to see Ryttere guards, they nodded at him in acknowledgment, so did Hiccup.

Hiccup was impressed with his mother and siblings clan, they weren't only expert dragon riders, but also amazing warriors, Hiccup didn't actually tell his family that he planned on obliterating Berk, they only assumed he'd frighten those who wronged him.


Those who wrong Hiccup killed him, slowly and painfully day by day for years, and Hiccup planned to the same to them as well, only ten times worse.

As Hiccup arrived at the pools, he took his boots off and pants, he hissed contently as his leather pants were off, the material was very cruel to his cock, especially if he had an erection. He then slid into the pool and submerged himself in the warm waters, once he resurfaced, he began scrubbing his hair and body parts.

He then heard a slight gasp, thanks to his draconic abilities, he turned around to see nothing, but he knew it was a female, he then continued to wash himself, he then spoke out.

"I know you're here."

Hiccup then turned around to see a girl around his age, she had their clans orange paint on her arms and a light line of it across her eyes, she was lithe in figure and she had platinum blond hair which was braided, hazel eyes and she definitely had Hiccup's attention.

"Apologies, I didn't know anyone else was up." She said in a apologetic tone, Hiccup waved her apology behind and gestured her to join him. "Please, join me." She looked uncertain, but then nodded as she stripped out of her clothing as well, her body was gorgeous, she was too, but for now? Hiccup wanted to just introduce himself to her.

Once the girl joined Hiccup in the pool, she blushed lightly, but Hiccup just chuckled lightly at her flushed face, he then rested his elbows on the edge of the pool. "What's your name?" He asked, she then brushed a strand of her hair out of her face and answered. "Siv. My name is Siv." She said with a light smile, Hiccup nodded in greeting. "I assume you already know who I am?" He asked, she nodded at him. "Yes. The third child of Valka Haddock. You look exactly like your siblings." She complimented the last part.

Hiccup smiled lightly, he continued to wash himself, he then turned back to Siv. "So Siv, how long have you been at the Dragon Sanctuary?" He asked, Siv too began washing herself and answered his question. "My family and I were brought her by Valka, Halfdan and Hava, they led us here we've been here for three years." Hiccup hummed in acknowledgment, once he finished washing himself off, he sighed heavily and saw Siv checking his body out, when their eyes met, she blushed deeply and looked away.

"No. No please, I don't mind." Hiccup said gently, Siv looked back at him, the two shared a smile, Hiccup then raised an eyebrow at her. "Your eyes have a certain... excitement in them." He said casually, he then looked at her, Siv nodded at her and replied back. "I've heard that you and your Red Maw went to the West. I've never been anywhere outside of the Archipelago." She confessed, Hiccup gently cupped her cheek so she could look at him.

"You have the blood of an adventurer Siv, I like that. If you wish, my Red Maw and I are about to go out and find other adventures, but after I conclude business here in the Archipelago." He said, Siv had an excited look on her face, Hiccup was offering her a chance to see what lies beyond the Barbaric Archipelago!

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