Chapter 14: Kicking the hornets nest

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(Normal pov)

Hiccup made his way over toward the Hysterics ships, there he laid eyes on one of his lieutenants, Fjalar the Deceiver. He's called that because he's a master of manipulation as has a silver tongue, he prefers to strike from the shadows, and in some cases? Not even fight at all, instead having others fight in his stead. He's not a warrior, nor is he particularly a leader at all, but he is what defines the Hysterics. 

They are known to be insane and extremely ruthless Vikings, but they are more intelligent, even the warriors among the Hysterics ranks. After all, a sword or an axe can only cause so much damage, but if the Hysterics want someone to turn their enemies against one another, they send Fjalar the Deceiver. 

Hiccup chose him as one of his lieutenants because he also has a cunning mind, much like Hiccup himself. Knowledge is power, and with the Saxons gathering their armies to strike back, Hiccup knew even his Viking armies and dragons wouldn't be enough to defeat an entire nation. 

But Hiccup wouldn't back down from the Saxon armies that dared to attack them, oh no, in fact, he welcomed the enemy armies that amassed together to attempt to drive him and his Red Maw hordes out of the West. 

"Lord Haddock." 

Fjalar said, he bowed down before his leader, Hiccup took in the Deceivers appearance, the Hysteric had dirty blond hair and it was done in a asymmetrical hair style, he also had a pointy beard as well, he even had face tattoos, his azure eyes were lowered and staring at the damp sands, he wore black and red leather armor, as well as his boots, he had throwing knives strapped to his thighs and belt, and Hiccup could hear his beating heart, thanks to his draconic abilities. 

Whether Fjalar's accelerated heart rate was due to respect or fear... Hiccup didn't know. Regardless, Hiccup had need of the Deceivers services. 

"Rise Fjalar the Deceiver." Hiccup commanded, the Hysteric rose and stood at attention, Hiccup approached closer and narrowed his eyes before speaking. "We all know that the Saxons plan a retaliation attack against us, if fact, I welcome their foolish attempts. But... despite our numbers in both Viking and dragon, we're heavily outnumbered." Hiccup clicked his tongue and gazed into the Deceivers eyes. "The king of England... Edward III and his allies will unite against us. Why not turn them against each other?" Hiccup smirked and continued. "You're skills as a manipulator and a deceiver in general will be crucial to my plan."

Fjalar nodded in understanding and spoke. "Whatever you command Lord Haddock, I will obey." He said, Hiccup nodded and spoke his desires. "You and a clutch of your best deceivers will kill the other Saxon soldiers, pose as them and lay waste to their towns and villages. Do enough damage and kill enough people..."

"And the blame will be placed on the very kingdoms Edward is trying to unite." Fjalar finished, Hiccup nodded and raised an eyebrow at the Deceiver. "Are you up to the challenge?" He asked, Fjalar bowed his head and answered. "It would be my highest honor Lord Haddock." Hiccup chuckled lightly and nodded. 

"Make them fear their fellow Saxons. But more importantly... make them fear us."

(Kingdom of Wessex)

Farmers and other villagers outside the Kingdom of Wessex were at work harvesting crops, planting future food, and dealing in trade and comers. The villagers and farmers felt the very ground shake, the sounds of blood curdling screams were heard, many horses with knights from the Kingdom of York approached them, the villagers and farmers screamed in horror and ran as the York knights burned down their homes, farms and crops. 

A knight urged his horse to come to halt as he witnessed the villagers running for their lives, the knight removed his helmet to reveal Fjalar the Deceiver, he laughed as he looked up to see fellow dragon riders scorch the earth, while the disguised Vikings approached Fjalar. 

"What now Fjalar?" One of them asked, the Deceiver turned to his fellow Viking and smirked. "We continue to frame the other Saxon kingdoms for crimes they did not commit, we plunder what treasures these people have, and then...?" Fjalar chuckled darkly and looked out toward the plains and finished. "...we wait for the Saxons to raise their armies and we can finally show these weaklings what the Red Maw is capable of." 

(King Edward III pov- three days later)

I had just finished praying with my fellow lords, ladies and nobles, it was as always a time we take out of our days to pray to the Lord God and ask him to give us strength and help guide us. As I made my way toward my throne room, I could hear outraged voices, curses being thrown and even blows being landed. 

I rushed to my throne to see my fellow kings of each of the English kingdoms- York, East Anglia, Merica, and Wessex. My guards were removing the kings that were at each others throats. 


"You dare slaughter my people?! You act as if you can take whatever you want!!"

"My people demand I take action! And I'll be damned if I let you and your dishonorable and murderous soldiers take any more of my kingdom!!"


I roared out, the kings turned to me and I approached them with fury bubbling in my breast. "What is the meaning of this?!!" I demand, the kings look at each other and then answer. "Each king here has committed murder, plundering and mayhem across our kingdoms!" The kings continued to scream and shout at each other, until I drew my sword and smacked the floor, the kings stilled their tongues and returned their attention back to me. 

"How could you all be so foolish?! This is the doing of the Red Maw!" 

The kings looked at each other in obvious confusion, I sighed out in frustration and filled them in. "Have you not heard of the hordes of heathens that have arrived at our shores? They have already sacked the monastery of Lindisfarne and have raided handfuls of towns and villages within my kingdom. Do you not see that these devils want us to destroy each other?" The kings looked down in shame at hearing this news. 

"These... animals have killed and enslaved our people, raided and plundered our wealth, and if we allow these heathens to continue... I fear the whole of England is doomed. Unless we unite together here and now!" I say firmly, I raise my sword and point it toward the other kings. Soon enough the other kings drew their swords and pointed the tips of their swords together. 

"We stand together to defend our land, our people, but most of all... we are the wrath of God. We will descend upon the heathens and  strike them down, we will drive them back to the savage lands they come from and we will restore these lands for ourselves and our God!" 

The kings grunted in agreement, I nodded and ordered. "My fellows, assemble your armies, give your people assurances, share your wealth with those within your kingdom so they can rebuild, and have faith, God is with us, He will never leave us nor forsake us." I looked into every kings eyes and nodded firmly at them. 

"Let it be done."

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