Chapter 9: The West

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(Normal pov)

Before sailing to the West, Hiccup trained his allies how to train dragons, as well as the people that would be living in their villages without warriors to protect them from raiders, so with the many days worth of training, Hiccup trusted his people to be able to defend themselves with the aid of their dragons while the young leader and his allies would raid and plunder to benefit and further finance his empire.

Days after leaving the Archipelago allowed Hiccup and his warriors to bond with thousands of dragons and for now, Toothless would be the dragons alpha, since he was clearly the alpha species. However, the journey to the West was not only perilous, but extremely dangerous, the North Sea unleashed terrible rain storms and tsunami like waves at the Viking fleet, as well as the fast approaching winter temperature made things much more difficult. Hiccup ordered his people to dress extra warm so they wouldn't get sick and get frostbite and to take their supplies below deck and tie them down tight so they won't be destroyed or drift into the unforgiving seas.

Lightning bolts were hurled from the heavens and struck the waters, as well as rain that came down like hail, causing the Vikings to believe Thor was enraged with them for leaving Viking territory, however, Hiccup shushed his mens worries and told them its just mad weather. Hiccup and several of the men were tying down supplies while the large majority of his warriors were rowing their massive dreadnaught. All the chieftains under Hiccup's command had dreadnaughts, while the rest of the warriors would sail in battle ships.

"This is the biggest tantrum I've ever seen Thor throw!!"

"Is this how we'll enter in Valhalla?"

"We're going to die from the wrath of Thor! This boy has led us to our deaths!!"

Having enough of his mens whining, Hiccup's eyes turned into thin slits and he turned around to face those who were basically cursing him for dragging him out to sea. The boy then fired a crimson plasma bolt from his hand and struck the man who spoke last. The Vikings below deck stared at Hiccup in horror.

What in Odins name was that?!

Hiccup breathed heavily and he too was shocked at what had just happened, he looked at his glowing hands that burned with crimson, how had he...? Could it have been...? The night he suffered from his sexual abuse on Berk, Toothless's saliva entered his wounds and his blood. Could that have given him these... abnormal abilities?

Regardless, that shut his men up and Hiccup snarled out. "You all are moaning and whining like children! Shut your mouths and do your jobs, or I swear to the Allfather I'll silence you forever." The Vikings nodded furiously and quickly got back to work, not wanting to provoke Hiccup any further.

"Toothless, I need to talk to you." Hiccup said, the Night Fury was below deck as well as the other dragons that were bonded with, the Strike Class dragon cocked his head to the side at his friend.

::What is the problem my friend?::

Hiccup breathed sharply and his hands burned with crimson, he then fired a plasma bolt out of his hand and it struck a cage, the dragons growled in shock and astonishment, the cage was completely obliterated and the metal began to slowly melt and sparks lingered in the air. Toothless then turned back to his rider with wide eyes.


I do not know, my only guess is that when you licked my wounds clean the night I was sexually abused I somehow received dragon like abilities." Hiccup said as he examined his hands, the veins pulsed and his palms were glowing; ready to let loose another bolt of crimson plasma. Hiccup closed his eyes and breathed slowly, his hands slowly returned back to normal, as well as his pupils, that were once thin slits.

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