Chapter 17: Ten months later/ Enter the Black Plague

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(Island of Berk) 

Stoick was helping his fellow Hooligans store fresh supplies of food for the winter that was fast approaching, the blizzards were blinding, the cold was enough to freeze your blood solid and can give you hypothermia within minutes. The Hooligans all were dressed in heavy winter gear as they finished loading up the supplies for the winter. 

"Lets hurry it up now! The storm is only going to get worse!!" Stoick roared over the howling winds, the Hooligans finished up loading up the store house after ten minutes and then headed toward the Great Hall, once they opened the doors, they were blasted with heat. Fires were lit in fire pits as well as the latter fires spread heat; keeping the cold at bay. 

"Odins ghost its cold out there!" Stoick muttered to himself, he removed his heavy winter jacket and headed toward his throne, the Hooligan took a seat with a lough sigh, he could see Gobber drinking a mug of ale, the blacksmith had to get a new apprentice in the form of one Gustav Larson, the boy reminded Stoick of...

The Hooligan chief hadn't given much thought of Hiccup's death, the boy deliberately disobeyed his orders, never met up to his expectations, and that mouth of his... Stoick hated his dead sons sarcastic remarks, there were times he wanted to hack out Hiccup's tongue out. Basically, Stoick hated everything about his son. He was so... different. His sons body was feeble and sickly, he preferred knowledge and books rather than picking up a shield and sword during his youth, and... he reminded Stoick of Valka.

Gods, Stoick missed Valka so much. She too was different like Hiccup, its what got her killed, and its what got Hiccup killed too. 

"You obviously loved him, I don't see why ya bother driving him out of yer mind."

Stock snapped out of his thoughts to see Gobber, the blacksmith stood by Stoick's throne and he took another swig of mead. "He was your son Stoick." Gobber said, Stoick however shook his head and inhaled sharply. "No. Every time I think of Hiccup? I don't want to." Stoick said firmly and continued. "That boy wasn't Viking material, he didn't respect my authority, my orders and my parenting. He's better off dead and forgotten." 

That didn't sit well with Gobber at all, yes, there were times he too was tough on Hiccup, but he still loved the lad like he was his own son, he taught him everything about becoming a master blacksmith, how to forge weapons and just giving him friendly encouragement whenever he'd arrive at work bloodied, bruised and dirty from the villagers beatings. 

"Whatever helps you sleep at night Stoick." Gobber said with a disgusted tone, Stoick gazed at his old friend, but the Hooligan chief just brushed the blacksmiths words off. The chief then laid eyes on Astrid Hofferson, the girl had been learning everything about being chief, that and her focus was sharper than ever, as well as her reputation spread throughout all of Midgard. 

Astrid the Fearless. 

The Jewel of Berk

And many other titles were thrown Astrid's way, but she didn't seem interested in those titles, instead it seemed as if... something was driving her to do what it is she's doing. Regardless, the sight of such a promising Viking brought a smile to Stoick's face. 

"Asbjorn and Freya Hofferson should be proud of their daughter. She's the living embodiment of what all Vikings should become." Stoick said with pride, Gobber knew where Stoick was going with this, the blacksmith scoffed at Stoick's words, finished drinking his ale and spoke out. "Aye. But Hiccup isn't Astrid, Snotlout, or you. He was special in his own way, and yet you and everyone else here saw him as a common slave." The blacksmith then made his leave, letting his words sink into Stoick's brain. 

Stoick however disregarded Gobber's words and stared off into space, just wishing that the gods had blessed him and Valka with many more heirs. 

Little did Stoick know though... he did. 

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