Chapter 34: Failed assassination attempt

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(Normal pov)

The assassin of choice to kill Hiccup was Big Boobied Bertha's daughter- Camicazi. Which enraged the infamous Bog thief, because she and Hiccup were good friends back when they were kids, but... things had changed. Time had changed Hiccup into something Cami didn't even recognize. 

She was draped in a black cloak and was currently in the prisons, she avoided Red Maw warriors, but made her way up the catwalks of the prison, she laid eyes on a man who sat on his knees and looked like he was praying, her curiosity was piqued, she jumped down and landed on the guard keeping watch, once she landed on the guard, she quickly killed him before an alarm was raised. 

The prisoner opened his eyes and laid eyes on Cami, the Bog assassin stood up and offered the man the keys, the prisoner quickly accepted the keys and unlocked the cell, telling his fellow inmates to be quiet, the man then turned to Cami. 

"You have my thanks friend."

Cami however gave him a stern look as she noticed a wooden cross around the mans neck, she had heard of a group of people called... Christians who dwell in the West. Before Cami could leave, the man followed her. "Satisfy my curiosity. Why did you release us?" He asked her, Cami turned around to face the man. "I'm on a mission to assassinate the Blood King." She said, hearing this, the man then bowed before her. "Please, let me accompany you. That... monster has taken everything from me and my people..." He said gesturing to the inmates still exiting the cell, the man then turned back to Cami. "...I can fight, so you need not worry about me being a burden." He said, Cami could see the desperation in the mans eyes, he wanted Hiccup dead. 

"What is your name?" Cami asked the man, he rose to his feet and nodded at her. "I am Bishop Uriah." He said, Cami grunted in acknowledgment and then pointed her finger in his face. "Don't slow me down." She said firmly, Uriah nodded and crouched to the dead guard and grabbed his sword that was forged in the English smithy. Uriah urged his people to flee the jails and hide, he then followed Cami out of the jails while other slaves began crying out for Cami and Uriah to free them. 

The noise however brought the attention of the guards stationed in the jail, handfuls of guards charged Cami and Uriah, the Bog assassin pulled out throwing knives and let them fly; they all struck the guards in the heart, clean kill shots. While two guards attacked Uriah, the warrior bishop ducked the two strikes, he slashed open one of the guards abdomen; causing intestines and blood to spill out, he then swatted away several other attacks from the last guard before hacking his sword hand off and stabbed his sword straight through the guards throat; causing blood to spray out everywhere. "Not bad, for a Christian." Cami said with a impressed tone, Uriah nodded in thanks and the two quickly moved on.

As they entered the city streets, they quickly avoided the Red Maw soldiers patrolling the streets and dragon riders patrolling the skies. Cami and Uriah entered an alley and waited for the soldiers to move along. 

"What exactly did Hiccup do to you?" Cami asked Uriah, the man gave her a confused look, she snorted and then clarified. "The Blood King, what did he do to you?" She repeated, Uriah's face twisted with anger. "This Blood King and his army of heathens and winged devils arrived in England and stole treasures from the churches, took thousands of innocent lives, and plunged our nation into ruin. Then... the plague came." He breathed out with sorrow, Cami raised an eyebrow in confusion. "The plague?" She asked, Uriah nodded and continued. 

"This plagues origin was from Italy, it spread and made its way into England, the number of dead increased in the millions. The Blood King and his army took me and thousands of my kind as prisoners and we could so nothing but watch as our nation has been consumed by destruction, death and plague." Uriah then turned to Cami. "You mark my words, I will slay the monster that took everything from me." He said, Cami nodded and looked around the corner to see the last patrol of soldiers leave the streets. 

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