Chapter 28: Royal affair

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(Hiccup's pov)

I had just returned from Yulrolan to deal the Bewiklderbeasts there, obviously I didn't kill or hurt them, no, I offered them sanctuary at a desolate Island near Denmark, after much persuasion, the Bewilderbeasts accepted my offer and relocated themselves to a new home, the people of Yulrolan were fortunate they didn't kill any of the dragons there, or I would've been very angry.

Regardless, I was home now and had just tucked in Halvor and Ingrid to bed, I kissed their heads and hummed them a little lullaby to put them to sleep, once they dozed off, I exited their room and entered my own, I removed my spiky leather armor and boots, as I was about to lay down on my bed, I heard knocking at my door, I sighed and turned toward the door.


The door opened to reveal one of my Blood guards, he bowed his head and spoke. "Lord Haddock, Queen Mala of the Defenders of the Wing is here." I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, this was unexpected, but long overdue.

"Bring here in." I said, the guard nodded and Queen Mala entered my room, she was dressed in black and golden armor, she handed her sword to the guards, and once she was checked for additional weapons, I ordered the guards to leave us, they bowed their heads and closed the doors, leaving me and Mala alone.

"Queen Mala, welcome to my kingdom." I said as I took her hand and kissed it, she smiled at me and nodded in thanks. "Thank you King Haddock, you've truly created a prosperous empire, for both man and dragons." I smiled at her and offered her a cup of wine, she gladly accepted it, while we sat down at the table in my room, I put on a sleek black robe, then returned to my guest.

"So Queen Mala, have you come here to accept my invitation to join my empire? We aim to carve out a new world order, and I believe that you and your people can help us reach the greatness that awaits us all." I said, she, she took a sip of wine and she smiled lightly at me, gods she was gorgeous; her pixie blond hair glowed in the candle light as did her emerald green eyes. "I see... so you want my dragons?"

"To an extent." I said, choosing my words carefully, because Mala and her people don't like the concept of using dragons as living weapons. "While the firepower would be greatly appreciated, there are other, bigger reasons. I want to bring all the dragons with me, we are the dragon riders after all, and should have all the dragons of the world behind us.  I also want to bring your people with me, while fierce in combat and dedicated craftsmen, we are great in numbers. We need all the men we can get, and I don't want to leave any of the North men who follow behind me while we march to greatness."

She got up and paced around the table. "I am sensing an unspoken note.  Why go on the warpath?"

"I am the Blood King, the Dragon Conquer, and new title... the Overlord." I said.

"So that is what the ghastly armour is all about?" Mala asked while poking one of my jagged shoulder spikes on my leather armor.

"Yes, my path is one of conquest and revenge."  I said, I was eager to wipe Berk off the map, but I needed to forge an alliance with Mala her people first.

"Then your path will lead you to ruin. I owe you much, Hiccup, you've dealt with Dragon Hunters and Trappers that tried taking our dragons from us, and for that? I'm in your debt. But can I lead my people behind yours when your only end is ruin?" Mala asked as she sat on the table next to me, I looked into her eyes and replied back.

"I will be different.  Evil begets only evil, I will use this power to forge a civilization that will stand the for the rest of time. I will not be a devourer, or one who wishes to rule all of Midgard, as my predecessors dreamed and attempted to do in the past, instead I will be a builder." I said gently, yes, though the power I wielded was great, I wanted Mala to believe and trust in me.

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