Chapter 21: Soon to be married/ Enter Drago Bludvist

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(Normal pov)

Astrid had finished her day of training both with the axe and preparing to become Berks first female chief, it left her exhausted, so she headed to her favorite swimming hole to bathe and relive pent up stress. As she arrived at her swimming hole, she set down her towel, bar of soap and fresh change of clothes while she stripped out of her sweaty clothes and placed them in a satchel she'd take back home to wash later. 

The water surprisingly was warm, despite the light snowfall that graced Berk, Snoggletog was in two days and everyone on Berk had set up decorations, the massive tree in the center of the village and had everyone in the holiday spirit. 

Astrid however wasn't in the Snoggletog spirit this year, because Hiccup was dead. Astrid washed her hair out as she remembered when she and Hiccup would spend hours out in the snow, making snow dragons, having snowball fights, and exchange gifts in the Hall. That memory brought a smile to Astrid's face, she and Hiccup had the greatest friendship back then. 

Until her Uncle Finn died by the Flightmare. 

She sighed sadly at how she treated Hiccup after that, the thoughts of simply ignoring him, calling him Useless on his last night on Mindgard and abandoning him made her feel extra filthy. So she scrubbed her body down harder until she felt clean again. After thirty minutes, Astrid got out of the pool to dry off, she then put on her casual leather armor and made her way back to her home. 

Upon entering her home, Astrid saw her parents and a group of Vikings unknown to her were having friendly conversation, when the Vikings turned to see Astrid at the doorway and Asbjorn Haddock smiled at his daughter. 

"Ah Astrid! Come, there's someone we'd like you to meet!" The elder Hofferson brought his daughter toward the unknown Vikings. "This is Chieftain Geir and his son Magnus of the Tree-root tribe, they are here because you and Magnus are to enter a marriage contract!" 

That caused Astrid's heart to stop and glare at her parents with disbelief, before Astrid could even speak, the heir of the Tree-root tribe spoke up. "It is an honor to finally meet you in person Astrid Hofferson. And your reputation proceeds you." He said in a respectful and flattering tone. The Hofferson girl looked at the Trees-root heir, he was 5'9 in height, he was stocky like Snotlout, he had his brown hair slicked back and tied in a pony tail that reached the top of his spine, he had amber colored eyes and light stubble on his cheeks and chin. 

Astrid decided to play along for now, then she'd give her parents a piece of her mind. "A pleasure to meet you." She extended her hand out, Magnus took it and kissed the top of her hand, causing Astrid to flush slightly, Chieftain Geir smiled at the sight and introduced himself. "When I heard that Stoick's pathetic excuse of a son had been killed by a Night Fury, I was overjoyed! I've known Stoick and the Haddocks for years, and it pained me to see such a powerful and respectful chief have to suffer the burden of a weak excuse of a Viking heir." 

Geir's comment made Astrid's blood boil with rage, Hiccup wasn't weak or pathetic! He was much more than that. 

"Aye, Hiccup never took his responsibilities as heir of Berk seriously, he'd always disobey Stoick's orders, and cause nothing but trouble." Asbjorn added, Astrid glared daggers at her father, but the elder Hofferson continued. "I trust the marriage price is enough?" Asbjorn asked hopefully, Geir nodded and smiled. "Of course! Your price is fair and I believe your daughter and my son will be a match worthy of the gods blessing!" Both men chuckled at that shook hands sealing the deal, not giving Astrid a voice in her decision whether or not she'd want to marry Chieftain Geir's son. 

Freya Hofferson sat Astrid down quietly while the men continued to work out the wedding plans, Astrid whispered yelled. "You two did this behind my back?! I'm already being groomed to become Berks chieftess, which leaves me exhausted and stressed out enough, then you two throw this on me as well?!" Astrid spat out, Freya gestured her to keep her voice down, she then gave Astrid an apologetic look. "I tried to convince your father Astrid, but you know how he is. Besides, you're the proper age to marry anyway, Stoick and Geir have been friends yes, but he offered Tree-root tribe a hand in hopes of forming an alliance, and..." Freya licked her lips then back at her daughter. "...your marriage to Geir's son Magnus will solidify that alliance." 

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