Chapter 22: Putting down a madman

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(Normal pov)

Chieftain Geir of Tree-root tribe stood at the front of his ship while his men rowed the boat, while his son Magnus was sharpening his sword, the chief smiled at his son, he was about to be married to Berks first female heir, a great honor. He was surprised that his son Magnus had taken the news of being engaged to a total stranger quite well, the chieftain knew that arranged marriages were tough, especially on the younger generation, but the fact that Magnus was willing to do his duty made Geir proud of his son.

Suddenly, massive spines sliced through the water and capsized the Tree-root ship; causing the Vikings on board to fall into the water and quickly swim back to the surface, some the Vikings that were still surfacing opened their eyes to lay eyes on a massive behemoth sized dragon with massive tusks that had cuffs around them, charcoal black scales, white skin and crimson head frills on its coral like crown, spine and chin.

When the Tree-root dragons surfaced, they laid eyes on a fleet of ships that were unknown and foreign to them, the colors, ship designs, and emblems caused the Vikings mutter a quick prayer and grab what weapons they had on their person, the lead ship was massive in size and it slowed down, the Vikings saw unknown soldiers who gave out battle grunts while pounding their shields, they then saw a massive man with black dreadlocks, he had a cloak made out of dragon skin and he gave the Vikings a menacing grin.

"Kill them." The man said, the Vikings were sitting ducks, their shields were underwater along the ships sides, so when the unknown soldiers nocked their arrows, Geir quickly swam over to his son. "Magnus!" He cried out, Magnus swam over to his father and the two men smiled sadly at each other as they heard the unknown force bark orders.

"Mishale ya shaha!"

The Tree-root Vikings could see the unknown soldiers nock their arrows on their bows, they were in big trouble! They all frantically searched the water for anything they could use to protect themselves, but they found nothing.

"Kuteka missale!"

The unknown soldiers then took aim at the defenseless Vikings, Geir released a shuddering breath and rested his forehead against his sons, the two cradled their heads together. "May we meet in Valhalla my son." Geir said with pride, Magnus chuckled lightly and nodded. "Aye father. We will meet again in Valhalla and we'll meet mother there as well." Father and son embraced each other and closed their eyes, awaiting their deaths.


Drago's soldiers let their arrows fly and all the Tree-root Vikings were all dead. The mad warlord then ordered his fleet to keep moving, the man banged his bull hook against the chains that were attached to his Bewilderbeast, and they continued to make their way toward the dragon riders nest.

(Hiccup's pov)

My Red Maw lieutenants had sent messages back to me that they had begun the work in Denmark, I had ordered them to build a massive tower, I had ordered it to reach the heavens, at least fifty stories high, I had read from an ancient text provided by Trader Johann during my time back on Berk that a group of people called the Babylonians built a massive tower that reached the heavens, and I wanted to the work of a similar tower to be built as well.

I was going to transform all of Norway into the most prosperous empire on earth, I would be crowned king, dragons will be embedded in human life, and the Vikings will explore the whole world. Just the thought of it made my heart beating faster, the possibilities were endless! And after I take care of Drago Bludvist? I will take Siv and those who wish to join us into the unknown.

But for now I was feeding Halvor and Ingrid, both my babies clutched on to my leather armor as I fed them small bite of baby food, they cooed, giggled and gave me big gummy smiles as I made silly faces at them, I could hear Toothless chuckling in my mind.

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