Chapter 4: Losing part of your soul

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(Normal pov)

Upon arriving at the Boneheads arena, Hiccup ignored the looks that he was receiving, he had only one task right now- gaining Gunnolf's trust. The guards showed Hiccup where their weapons were located, the boy took out a sword, throwing knives, a bow and a quiver full arrows. Once he received his desired weaponry, he began to train, he'd start with thirty minutes of stretches to warm him up, once he was limber he started with his sword, slashing, stabbing and he even summoned the guards that escorted him to be his sparring partners.

Hiccup dodged, swatted and parried every attack that was thrown his way, he kept an eye on his opponents, they circled him and thrust their spears toward him, Hiccup ducked under the strikes and grabbed one of the spear heads, snapped it off the pole that once used to be a spear and slashed it across one of the guards legs; causing him to back away while clutching his bleeding leg. The second guard tried stabbing Hiccup with his own spear, but Hiccup grabbed it, snapped the head of the spear off the pole and tackled the guard and proceeded to unleash a flurry of punches across the mans face, beating him into a bloody pulp.

Hiccup was seeing a different face.

In his mind, he was seeing Snotlout and everyone else that hurt him, he didn't realize however that he was close to beating the man to death, he only stopped when a hand grabbed his wrist. Hiccup snarled in outrage at being interrupted, he turned to see who interrupted him, and was surprised to see a girl that was his age. And she was gorgeous. She had dirty blond hair that was done in braided ponytail, her amber eyes glowed in the morning sunlight, and she had a look of fascination.

"I think you've got him friend." She said in a stern voice, Hiccup yanked his hand out of her hold and stood up to look around the arena to see both the adults and teens shocked and bewildered faces. The former Hooligan prince looked at this girl and wiped off blood spatter on his face. "And who might you be?" He asked, she smiled at him and extended her hand out. "I'm Torvi, I'm one of the greatest warriors of my generation." She said with pride, Torvi then eyed Hiccup from head to toe and hummed, seeing what she needed to see.

"So you're Stocik's son? I thought you'd be bigger, and more bulky." She said, Hiccup rolled his eyes. "I hate to disappoint you Torvi, but I'm nothing like my father and I thank Odin that is not the case." Hiccup sighed and then went toward where targets lined the walls, he pulled out his throwing knives and readied to throw them, but Torvi wasn't done talking.

"You just took down two of the Chieftain Gunnolf's personal guards, they're not easy opponents to defeat, yet you knew where to strike and defeated them both with ease." She said with astonishment. "Tell me Hiccup Haddock, how do you defeat your enemies, since you lack in strength." Torvi's demanding tone reminded Hiccup of Astrid, but she was not Astrid, deciding there was no harm in telling her how he defeated his sparring partners, he revealed his method.

"Vikings rely on brute strength, and in doing so, they reveal weak spots and leave themselves vulnerable for their enemies to inflict critical strikes. I value knowledge, and I use my knowledge to my advantage, I've watched many of the Hairy Hooligans leave themselves vulnerable to dragon attacks during the raids, so I know where to strike and inflict the most damage." Hiccup shrugged as he threw three daggers which struck all three targets he was aiming for. Torvi watched in amazement as Hiccup landed perfect kill shots at the targets, his throwing form was flawless, and his aim even made her jealous.

"So then Torvi, what drove you to become a warrior for the Boneheads?" Hiccup asked with curiosity, the dirty blond girl smirked and answered. "My mother was a great warrior here, she was a ferocious shield maiden and had seen her fair share of wars, conquests and adventures. My mother was my idol, she inspired me to follow in her footsteps." She said with passion, Hiccup raised an eyebrow and asked. "Was? As in your mother has left Midgard and has joined Odin and the Valkyries in Valhalla?" Torvi closed her eyes and nodded. "Gunnolf took my mother and raped her to death, because he was drunk out of his mind." She seethed out, causing Hiccup inhale sharply, he knew what it was like to be sexually abused, he knew painfully well.

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