Chapter 18: Loss

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(Hiccup's pov)

With the threat of the plague approaching us, I decided that only a few of us would enter enemy territory, so my men were using catapults to bombard Edwards kingdom, I along with a clutch of my best dragon riders had been rounding up treasure left and right, it was all out on the streets, but then I spotted all the homes and buildings windows were boarded up. 

Could it be...?


It can't. 

The plague wasn't to arrive until the following day, according to Dahlia. 

Thanks to my draconic abilities, I could hear the sounds of vomiting and violent coughing everywhere. T-thats why...

Oh no. 

I drop the treasure thats in my hands and turn to my dragon riders. "Don't touch anything!!" I seethe out, they all give me confused looks, I then gesture to the boarded up windows. "These Saxons are sick, very sick and it is possible that whatever caused them to become sick is on whatever they last touched and the sickness is no doubt in the air as well." I then decide to let the plague kill the Saxons, I turn back to my dragon riders. 

"We have what we came for. Lets go." 

One of my dragon riders though decided to test my patience. "We came here to plunder Haddock!! Why in Odins name are we-?" Before that dragon rider could continue speaking, I closed the distance and seized him by the throat, my enhanced strength allowed me to lift the rider off his feet. "Do you forget who you are talking to?" I ask with my pupils now turned into thin slits, the rider was clawing at my hand, but I just squeezed tighter. 

"Ap-polog-gies!! L-lord H-Haddock!!"

I smirked and let the man go, he coughed and wheezed violently, I then climb on Toothless and turn back to my riders. "We go!!" Toothless and I then leap into the skies as we return to our armies that were bombarding the city with catapult fire. 

As we returned to our ranks, my fellow chieftains all gave me expected looks, they looked at each other in confusion and some with worry. 


"Did you not bring back treasure?"

I turned toward them and extended my arms out. "The Saxons were all very sick, and I decided that my people come first. There are many more places to raid and attack. None the less, we have the treasure of the rest of the English kingdoms. It will have to do." I simply say as I then turn to my generals and warriors. "Break off!! We return to the boats and head home!!" I roar out, they all roar. in approval and we all head back to our ships. 

(Hours later)

Upon returning to our fleet of ships, we could see the warriors left to guard our ships were already packing up and escorting our slaves into the lower decks. Once every Viking tribe was in their dreadnaught and ships, we set sailed back to the Barbaric Archipelago.

As I made my way to my chambers though, I stopped halfway on the way there, something was wrong in the air. Toothless too smelled something wrong, he then crooned at me. 


I ran toward my bed chambers and kicked the door down to see one of our healers with a veil over her mouth, the healer turned around to face me, I then shoved her out of the way to see...


She was sleeked in sweat and by her painful breaths? She was in labor. Toothless approached her and sniffed, he growled lightly, I turned to him. "Toothless? Whats wrong?" He turned toward me and bared his teeth lightly. 

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