Chapter 12: A monster inside me

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(Normal pov)


A lone Saxon solider roared out while on horseback, the soldiers manning the gates quickly opened the massive gates leading into England itself, the citizens cleared out of the way as the Saxon soldier rode toward the castle like a madman.

King Edward and his personal body guards were at the steps of the palace where they awaited the lone Saxon rider, the body guards rushed over toward the exhausted soldier, Edward made his way over to his faithful soldier and saw the man gulping in mouthfuls of air.

"M-my... k-king..."

Edward placed a hand on the exhausted soldiers chest and spoke. "Catch your breath my good man, then speak." The soldier nodded at Edward's instructions, after regaining his breathing, the soldier spoke out. "The general... h-he's dead. As is the rest of my unit. They were slaughtered by those vile heathens and their... winged devils." Edward raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Winged devils?" He asked, the soldier nodded and clarified. "D-dragons." The king looked at the soldier with a look of surprise and disbelief.

"Soldier, dragons are creatures of myth. Fairy tales or mothers told us." Edward said, the soldier however looked into the kings eyes and shook his head furiously. "With respect my king, I've seen these dragons with my own two eyes, they are very real. The leader of these heathens had a message for you." The soldier coughed lightly before saying what that... boy said to him hours earlier.

"He said... send your strongest armies. The Red Maw is ready for war."

(Astrid's pov)

I was frustrated.

Well, that was an understatement.

Truth be told... I'm scared. The great Fearless Astrid Hofferson is scared. And what is it you ask that I'm scared of? Its taking over Berk.

I had trained all my life to be a warrior; to be merely a servant to our chief, not become the replacement heir. Taking Hiccup's place...? It didn't sit well with me at all. I didn't deserve this honor, in fact, none us do.

We all wronged Hiccup, and despite my mission to make my wrongs right, I felt like I haven't done anything to make the guilt leave me. I've also been having... disturbing nightmares, these dreams showed me and the other people of Berk torturing Hiccup. I did everything humanly possible to intervene and stop my dream self and the other Hooligans from hurting Hiccup, but to no avail.

And I feel hopeless.

I blink away a few tears that are threatening to spill, I grip my hands so tightly, that I hear my knuckles crack, I look down at my hands to see myself gripping my trusty battle axe with an iron like grip. I then turn my axe to the base and I gasp as I see three initials.


Hiccup Horrendous Haddock.

H-he made me my axe?

No. Thats not possible! My father told me that Gobber made it for me, I received this axe at my thirteenth birthday, the day I finally got to train with a live weapon.

(Flashback- Two years ago)

I made my way over toward Gobbers smithy, the summer air was most welcome, it seems Berk can never escape the cold, and it felt great to warm up before winter slammed back into us with a vengeance.

Today was my thirteenth birthday, and after years of fighting hand to hand, as well as sparring with my father with wooden weapons, I was finally going to pick up my live battle axe. I smiled at the sight of Gobbers smithy, the old blacksmith was whistling away while sharpening a sword, I knocked on the counter and Gobber looked up toward me and gave me a warm smile.

A monster inside me (A Httyd Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now