Chapter 5: Meeting the Horned headed tribe

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(Astrid's pov)

I had to drag myself out of bed, though my body screamed for me to crawl back under the comfortable furs, I had training to do. I got dressed, braided my hair and made my way downstairs to see my parents eating breakfast, they looked up and smiled at me. 

"Ah Astrid! Come! Breakfast is ready, you don't want to train on an empty stomach now do you?" My father asked, I shook my head and sat down to see a plate of eggs, apple slices, a loaf of hot bread and a mug of water. As I started eating, my mother tucked in a stray strand of hair behind my ear. "Daring, are doing alright? You haven't been... yourself since Hiccup's death." I closed my eyes and inhaled sharply, I let Hiccup down, we were friends once and he needed a friend desperately during his last few days of life. 

And I let him down. 

"No Momma. I'm not fine. I-I let Hiccup down. We were the best of friends as children, and he needed a friend, I could've rekindled the friendship we once had, but I forsook him, just like everyone else here." I said in a stern tone, my father however shook his head. "Stoick's pathetic excuse of a son didn't deserve your friendship dear, you needed to focus on restoring our families tainted honor." I looked my father and saw the seriousness in his eyes, I wanted to protest, but I wasn't in the mood for an argument, so I just nodded and finished eating my breakfast. 

Its been days after Hiccup's death by the Night Fury, and everyone threw a massive party, even the chief himself seemed pleased to be rid of his now dead son. I however didn't attend the celebrations because it would sicken me to literally insult Hiccup even further. 


I had a larger goal in mind. I'm going to avenge the person I should've protected from Snotlout and everyone else. I'm going to become Berks finest warrior and every kill, human and dragon will be in Hiccup's name. Its the least I can do to honor his name. I head on down to the woods to start my training, I wouldn't become Berks finest overnight. 

(Hiccup's pov)

The Boneheads have really come respect my leadership. Almost overnight, they gave their late chief a proper funeral, carved his skull into one of the pillars in the Mead Hall and made sure that his name will always be remembered amongst them. 

As my first act of chief to the Boneheads, I gathered their top warriors, elders, leaders and generals to discuss our next course of action. I had been discussing my plans for vengeance and that in order see my vengeance complete, we needed to recruit those who hated Berk as well, and the closet neighbors to the Boneheads were the Horned headed tribe. However, my advisors informed me that the Horned headed tribe were more animalistic then man, and that they'll tear apart anyone who isn't one of their own. 

I however was laughing out loud like I had heard the funniest joke ever, when I calmed myself I nodded. "Excellent. The more bloodthirsty they are, the better, they'll make a fine addition to my army." I then looked over the map of the entire Viking world, I then pointed to where the Horned headed tribe was located, then I gazed into the eyes of those who shivered and trembled at the name of the Horned headed tribe. 

"I will be going there and extend an invitation to them. And require those who wish to join me, those of you who shiver and cower in fear? Leave now. This is no place for cowards." I say coldly, I look around those who let their fear grip them. I then see Torvi step up, as well as handfuls of boys and girls my age, I then glare at the adults and snort in amusement. "You call yourselves Vikings? This lot has more courage than all of you combined. LEAVE!!!" I roar out, they flinched at my tone and leave, while those who had balls of iron remained, I smirked at what I had. 

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