Chapter 3: Meeting the Bonehead tribe

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(Normal pov)

::Are you certain these people even exist Hiccup? I see nothing but fog::

Toothless said in a bored tone, Hiccup rolled his eyes and replied back. "They have to exist, everyone believes that they were all but dead, if they've somehow managed to survive, then I wish to speak with them and attempt to recruit them to our cause." Toothless snorted in acknowledgement while keeping a close eyes on the two Red Death eggs strapped to both the left and right sides of his body.

Hiccup and Toothless had been traveling further North of the Barbaric Archipelago in search of Viking tribes that were said to be all but gone, they were looking for two tribes specifically: the Boneheaded tribe and the Horned headed tribe. Both these tribes were some of the very first to settle in the Barbaric Archipelago, but as the Dragon Wars began, they vanished off the map and many believed they were all dead.

But Hiccup didn't believe it so.

Due to them traveling further North, the colder temperatures forced Hiccup to put on his heavy winter gear, the wore a thick bear skinned coat that also had a hood, gloves, and socks to protect his feet from frostbite. He then rubbed his chest while still flying Toothless, he teeth slightly chattering. "We're getting close." He said, Toothless however turned his head to look at his rider with a disbelieving look.

::And how would you know that my friend?::

Hiccup exhaled and vapor exited his mouth, he looked toward the still foggy horizon. "I just know we are bud, trust me." He answered his dragon while still looking out for any signs of civilization.

After what seemed like a lifetime, the duo exited the fog and what they laid eyes on had their mouths agape, there was land, but it was unknown land, Hiccup quickly pulled out his telescope and suddenly laid eyes on a massive mountain that had a... dragon shaped head carved into the stone, but it was a dragon he did not recognize.

The duo then spotted a massive village, Hiccup scoped out what they'd be dealing with, the people were definitely Vikings, but their colors of their flags were black and emblems were of a dragon skull with ram like horns and two massive fangs in the bottom row of the teeth. Hiccup continued looking at the people, specifically the warriors, they wore skull like masks and with charcoal smeared over their bodies.

::Who are they Hiccup?::

Toothless asked, Hiccup lowered his telescope and grinned. "Boneheaded tribe." He said, he then heard roars, he raised his telescope again to lay eyes on... dragons. Not just any dragons, but Boneknappers. And what shocked Hiccup even more were the Vikings that were on the dragons backs. "Toothless, take us down bud." Hiccup said, Toothless turned to look at his rider with a disapproving look.

::Hiccup. We know nothing about these people or the dragons that are down there, what if they kill us the moment we land?::

Hiccup shrugged and answered. "I'm a Viking bud, its an occupational hazard." Toothless rolled his eyes and groaned in disapproval, the boy patted his dragons head and scratched his head. "Bud, please, trust me. If something goes wrong, just... fall back and by all means, keep those two eggs safe." Toothless bared his teeth and growled at his rider.

::I will not leave you behind. Ever::

Hiccup nodded in understanding and held a hand out. "And I thank you for your loyalty Toothless, I do. But I need you to protect these eggs more importantly, I can take care of myself, thanks to my secret training." Hiccup looked directly into Toothless's eyes. "Do you understand me bud?" Toothless's hard gaze softened, he believed in his rider, his friend, and his brother, so he nodded and warbled gently.

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