Chapter 30: A day out together

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(Normal pov)

Now that Hiccup and Astrid were friends again, the two of them picked up where they left off in their friendship. They had spent days catching up and it was well needed, Astrid could see that Hiccup wasn't the same person back on Berk, he was stronger, a warrior king, a father of two beautiful children, tamer of the legendary Night Fury and has explored the world beyond the Barbaric Archipelago.

Astrid had met Hiccup's siblings and mother as well, which shocked Astrid, she didn't know Valka was still yet of this world and Halfdan and Hava? That she did not expect at all. But none the less, they made Astrid feel welcomed and they were currently having dinner together in Hiccup's chambers.

"Daddy! Can I have pastries?" Halvor asked with puppy eyes, Hiccup smirked at his son and answered him. "Not until you finish every bite of food off your plate young man, you do want to be a strong warrior king don't you?" Hiccup asked playfully, Halvor's eyes lit up and nodded furiously. "YEAH!!" He screeched out, causing everyone at the table to chuckle at the five year old boy, Hiccup smiled at his son and ruffled his raven black hair. "Good, now go on, the sooner you finish your dinner, the sooner you can have sweets like your sister." Hiccup said as he turned to Ingrid who was smirking at her brother while eating a delicious pastry with icing inside of it; motivating Halvor to eat his dinner faster.

Astrid giggled at the sight and looked at Hiccup. "They're so beautiful! Do they give you trouble?" She asked, Hiccup snorted and finished the last bite of his grilled steak and shrugged. "Nah, well... it depends, but other than that? They are little angels." He said as he kissed Halvor's hair and caressed Ingrids cheek lovingly, causing the girl to smile at her father.

Valka too finished her dinner and turned to Astrid. "So Astrid, tell us, how has Stoick... taken the news of Hiccup being king of Denmark?" She asked, she had thought about Stoick for years, but the man would never love her after choosing the side of dragons, Astrid took a sip of water and wiped her mouth with and clicked her tongue. "He hasn't taken it well. The man believes you're dead and Hiccup? Well, Stoick cared less about Hiccup's supposed "death." But now that you're alive and king no less, he's desperate." Astrid said, causing the Haddocks to shake their heads in disbelief.

"Of course the old bastard is desperate!" Hiccup said, though he minded his language since his kids were sitting right next to him, he then continued. "He never cared about me, except for the few times he'd see me reading, building inventions and what not, but other than that? I might as well have been a thrall to that... man." Hiccup spat out, causing Valka to shake her head in disgust, Halfdan and Hava too shook their heads, they never met their father, but now? They didn't want to. Hiccup then looked at Halvor to see him finish his food, he ordered one of the servants to bring a desert for his son, the servant bowed their head and went off to grab a desert.

"He even made you heir of Berk. How did that treat you?" Hiccup asked Astrid, the blond woman snorted and looked into Hiccup's eyes. "Beyond exhausting. I realized that every day I was being groomed to take over, I... I just couldn't see myself as chief. I born to serve those of a higher power, not to rule." She said as she finished eating her food, Hiccup stroked his goatee and asked her. "Would you want to be chief?" He looked into Astrid's eyes, she took the last bite of her food, swallowed, wiped her mouth with the table cloths provided and answered. "Under extreme circumstances perhaps, but as an average ruler? No, I don't see myself as chief or chieftess."

"Well lucky for you Astrid, I'm not asking you to rule, but I am looking for a general. I have plenty of generals in my army, but you? I CAN see you take over Viking armies and leading them into glorious victory." Hiccup said, he then leaned forward and smiled lightly at her. "Would you be willing to serve as my personal general? You don't have to agree immediately, but the opportunity stands." He said, Astrid was surprised by this, but she smiled back at Hiccup. "I'll let you know." She said, Hiccup nodded at her, the doors opened to reveal servants arriving with deserts for the royal family and their guest.

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