Chapter 10: Raids

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(Normal pov)

Hiccup led his warriors up the hills to gaze upon the town where the monk had said, it wasn't big, but for now? It was a start. The Vikings let out bloodthirsty battle cries and charged, the people let out horrific screams and ran for their lives, the place the Vikings were attacking was a monastery, so there were no soldiers here to protect the monks here to further educate themselves in their belief In God.

The people closed the gates, but Hiccup snickered to himself, as if reading his mind, which he was, Toothless let loosed a plasma bolt and it tore the down; sending wooden splinters flying in all directions, the people covered themselves from the debris and nearly soiled themselves at the sight of these... pagans.

"Take anything of value, and take the people as slaves, if they resist? Kill them." Hiccup ordered his men, they nodded and started running in all directions, while Hiccup, Heather, Toothless and a handful of Viking warriors headed off toward what Hiccup believed to be a temple. The doors were barred shut, Hiccup scoffed, and breathed heavily, his hands burned and pulsed with crimson plasma, he then unleashed a devastating blast at the door, which stood no chance against the plasma bolt.

The monks inside the church screamed and backed away in fear, they laid eyes on Hiccup's hands which were still burning and his thin slit pupils, the boy steadied his breathing before he returned back to normal, the group of Vikings entered the church and laid eyes on a massive golden cross which had jewels embedded in it, Hiccup smirked at the sight and urged his men to take it, they happily obliged, the monks however tried stopping them, they were speaking Latin, begging them to not take the treasures of God, but the Vikings didn't understand a word they said, so they slaughtered the monks that stood in their way.

Outside, the Viking men raped any Saxon woman they laid eyes upon, while the Viking women rounded up the men and children and binding their hands, once the men had slaked their lust, their dragged the women to where the other captured Saxons were and tied them up as well. They then proceeded to storm the homes, businesses and carts outside for anything of value, which they did. Soon Hiccup and his group exited the church with a handful of monks that were tied up as well, the warriors led the monks to their people and they watched over them while Hiccup, Heather and the others divided the wealth they had looted.

"All too easy!!"

"HAHAHA!!! Not even a challenge!!!"

"It was like stealing from children! HAHA!!!"

The Vikings roared out, Hiccup however rolled his eyes at his mens arrogance, he then ordered his men to bring a cart, when they arrived with a large cart, they started to load up all the treasure they had found and headed back to the beach. Heather walked side by side with her husband and interlaced their fingers together, they shared a warm smile and pecked each others lips.

"A good raid." She said, Hiccup chuckled lightly and shook his head. "It was not a true challenge, we must seek out a greater challenge... but we must also be smart about the place we raid next, these lands hold great opportunity, but also great dangers that we have yet to encounter." Hiccup said as he turned to Heather and smiled at her. "In time we'll have to face these peoples warriors, then we will raid on and on until we conquer these entire lands!" Heather smiled at that and grinned lightly. "I'm eager for such a day." She said, Hiccup nodded in agreement and he then. turned to Toothless to fire a plasma bolt in the air.

The Night Fury nodded and fired in the air, when the bolt exploded, the captured Saxons screamed in fear, causing the Vikings to laugh in amusement, the rest of the Viking fleet soon made a beach landing, and the captured Saxons paled at the sight of hundreds of thousands of heathens arriving at their shores.

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