Ch 4: Taehyung

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By the time school was over, my head was already throbbing from a headache. The teachers gave me a shit load of homework and I already had a fucking test coming up on Friday in all my classes. 

 But one thing that I couldn't stop thinking about was Jimin. 

He didn't give me a real answer if he was planning on tutoring me. I wouldn't blame him if he had said no. 

"Taehyung, baby can I come over?" Soomin purred as she leaned her fake boobs next to my arm. I knew what she meant by coming over. Every time she did, we end up making out and having meaningless hot sex.

I hated having sex with her.

I hated myself for being around her.

She was just a reminder of the type of person I was.

"No, I have plans." I said as I gently pushed her away from me. If Jimin wanted me to change, the first step I was taking was not bringing that whore to my house.

"Ugh! It's another girl is it? Who is she?" she scuffed as she stomped her foot on the ground.

I rolled my eyes and swung my heavy backpack over my shoulder. "No, I just don't want you over my house. Why don't you go hang out with Minho? I know you're sleeping with him." I sneered.

Soomin's mouth hung open, almost like she was waiting for someone to put their dick in it. "I am not!" she protested.

"Then why were you screaming out his name when we fucked the other night?" I spat.

Soomin looked taken aback but shrugged. "It just slipped out. Look it's nothing important. You're the one I want." She said seductively.

I narrowed my eyes as I glared darkly at her. I didn't understand why I even put up with her shit. She didn't want me for me, she only wanted me because I was good in bed and the captain of the football team. It was funny because last year I was the same way towards Jungkook. I only wanted him because he was hot and because he was different, but in the end reality punched me hard in the face.


"No. In fact don't come over anymore. I'm done with you." I said as I walked off to my car.

Soomin ran up to me and grabbed my arm. "Please don't break up with me!" she pleaded. "I won't sleep with him anymore!" she added.

This bitch is so pathetic.

"Soomin, we were never a fucking couple!" I sighed hard as I ran my hand through my hair. "Look, I'm really sorry for this but I don't want to hang out with you anymore. Please just...just go with Minho. I really don't care because Ga-In is sleeping with Shiro anyways. You can have fun with them, I'm out." I said as I pulled my arm away from her.

Soomin stood there as if I had told her something horrible. Her face went from shock to anger within seconds. "Fuck you Kim Taehyung! You're never going to find anyone as good as me!" she yelled. A few people walking by stopped and stared at her outburst. "I will have you one way or another!" she hissed.

Those words sounded oddly familiar. I remember I said them to Jungkook, back when I was just stupid and arrogant. I ignored her as I  got into my car. She still screamed at me as she banged on my window. 

I was so done with her and those morons I called friends

"Taehyung! This is your last fucking warning! Don't break up with me!" Soomin hissed.

I gave her a good stare and smiled. He face dropped a bit of that anger, almost as if she thought she had broken through me. 

"You can't always get what you want." I said as I rolled up my window and drove out of there, leaving Soomin to scream out her tantrum.

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