Ch 14: Taehyung

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I couldn't stop thinking about Jimin after that day at the pond.

Jimin and I texted each other almost every night and during class we would hold hands underneath the table and sometimes sneak in a quick kiss when the teacher wasn't looking. Everyone in school found out about our relationship being official and a lot of nasty rumors began to spread and I didn't have to guess on who probably spread them.

"Hey faggots!" I heard someone call out.

Outside I didn't seem fazed but inside I cringed with disgust. I never knew I'd be the one to be picked on and called faggot. I looked over to Jimin who gave me a reassuring smile. He's been through it before, by me when I was a total asshole last year.

I felt something hit the side of my head and as I looked all around I noticed a group of preps giggling in the corner. Soomin, Minho and the others were among that group.


I bent over and picked up a ball of paper that was thrown at me. I opened it and frowned at the picture. It was two stick figures, both with black hair and fangs. They were fucking each other doggie style and, on the bottom, said faggots and freaks.



Those words hurt a lot.

"Ignore them." Jimin said as he took the paper and threw it into a trash can. "Their words can't hurt us." he said as he held my hand tighter.

I nodded in response and continued on walking.


"Shit I have to go to work today." Jimin cursed as he took out his phone. We were both hanging out in front of my car, waiting on Jisoo.

"But today is Friday, why today?" I asked.

Jimin sighed deeply as he placed his phone away. He had been so busy with work that it stressed him out. "I've been slacking off and letting Hoseok take over my shifts. They made me work on Fridays, but only until seven." He sighed.

I nodded silently as I thought about his job. "Has Minhyuk been bothering you?" I asked, remembering that most of his stress came from that sicko.

Jimin shook his head and smiled. "I think he gave up. I haven't seen him since you told me he met you. Then again he's probably waiting for me when I least expect it." He shivered at the thought.

I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close to me. "Don't say that. I'm sure he probably left." I whispered as I kissed his cheek. "You need to focus on work and your grades." I added as I kissed his other cheek.

"I guess you're right." He sighed as he rested his head on my shoulder.

"Damn, now I want a boyfriend." Jisoo commented as she approached us.

"What took you so long?" Jimin asked.

"It's a long story." She said as she leaned against the car. "So are we leaving or are you guys planning on fucking each other right here? Because if so...can I join?" she smiled.

I laughed abit and shook my head. "Let's go before Jimin is late for work." I said as we all got in my car.


"Alright Jimin I'll see you later at seven." I said as I pecked him on lips.

"You promise?" he asked. I can tell he was still worried that Minhyuk might show up.

"Yeah, I promise." I said as I kissed him again.

"Hey since I don't have work today, I'm chilling at the bar!" Jisoo beamed as she gave me a quickly hug and ran off to the restaurant.

Jimin let out a sigh as he walked off after her. Once he was inside I decided to go for a walk along the boardwalk. It was a pretty cool afternoon and since I was going to be lonely all day I might as well do something productive.

I placed my hands in the pockets of my jeans and walked along the side of a building and passed an alleyway. I then noticed from the corner of my eye a person standing in the corner with black sunglasses and a black trench coat. I didn't even have to guess who that was.

"Hey cutie, you never called me. I'm upset." Minhyuk purred as he took a step closer to me.

I felt every muscle in my body tense up with fury. Jimin told me Minhyuk was the guy who was harassing him and he made me promise not to go near him.

I might just break that promise, and possibly Minhyuk's face.

"I know what you fucking did, you sick fuck" I said through gritted teeth. It was so hard not to punch that dick in his face.

Minhyuk simply smiled and shrugged. "Did you know your boyfriend was the one who gave me this scar?" he took off his glasses and pointed to his mark. "That little whore is going to get what he deserves." He added with another smile.

I got up in his face but managed to hold back my anger just a bit. "You stay the fuck away from Jimin. I swear to god if you lay one hand on him I'll fucking kill you." I snarled.

Minhyuk seemed amused by my threat and chuckled. I then felt something sharp poke at my ribs and I looked down to see a knife. I glared back up to Minhyuk who smiled even more. I backed up slowly, still keeping my hands to my sides. "That's right, back the fuck up and listen." He said as he put the blade back into his pocket. "I'll leave your precious Jimin alone if you do me this one simple task." He grinned.

I knew exactly what he wanted and I shook my head. "No, I'm not sleeping with you." I spat.

Minhyuk sighed as he opened his coat just abit. It was enough for me to get a glimpse of his tight skinny jeans and his crop top. "Look you don't even have to pay me. Just one good fuck and I'll leave the bitch alone." He hissed.

My glare darkened as he referred Jimin as a bitch. "No deal. I'm not sleeping with you." I said.

"Well, then I guess you won't mind if Jimin suddenly goes missing?" he cooed.

My jaw clenched.

He pretty much sounded serious about his offer and I hated him for that. "Is there another alternative?" I asked.

Minhyuk placed his hand under his chin and pretended to think. "Give me fifty thousand dollars and I'll leave Jimin alone and I'll leave town for good." He said with a sick smile.

"Fifty thousand dollars! How the fuck can I get that much money?" I shouted.

"You're a rich boy, figure it out" he hissed. "If you can't get the money then you'll have to sleep with me." He said.

I sighed deeply and narrowed my gaze. "You're making me look like the prostitute here." I spat.

Minhyuk laughed and shrugged. "I'll give you a month to decide. I've been avoiding Jimin long enough and I'm getting impatient. When you finally make your decision meet me here at midnight, a month from now. Oh, and bring a few condoms, I tend to get messy" he said as he licked his lips and walked away.

"I never agreed to this!" I shouted at him. He simply ignored me and kept on walking.

I let out frustrated growl as I kicked a trash can. Some part of me should have listened to Jimin and stay away from Minhyuk, but if I do what he requested and slept with him, he'll leave Jimin alone.

I didn't want to fuck things up between Jimin and I and I made a promise that I'd take care of him.

I needed to find some other way to deal with Minhyuk.

I didn't want to sleep with him but I didn't want to hurt Jimin either.


I don't think I have a choice. 

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