Ch 20: Taehyung

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"Oh my god...he's going to fucking kill us!" Jimin whispered as he trembled next to me.

Jimin and I had agreed to Miyeon's plan of screwing with my dad. The entire time we played out our plan, Jimin was bitching and panicking. After we finished our tape, Miyeon took off and left. 

She was going to stay in Japan for a while.

"He's not going to kill us since he won't even recognize us." I said as I watched my father moved around the living room, talking to some coworkers and friends. My father wanted to present the new ideas to two of his friends from the military, some coworkers and his boss, the founder of the company. They were all seated comfortably in the living room, sipping on wine and stuff.

"Gentlemen if I may have your attention please" my father announced. Jimin and I were standing in far corner of the living room, he was trembling like a mad man.

 My father cleared his throat before speaking again. "I have here the newest technology for our company. With this we can revolutionize our standards and create a whole new era of plastic surgery." My father walked over to his brief case and took out the CD. I had to hold in a chuckle while Jimin trembled even more beside me. "Gentlemen I have here...the future of our company." He said with a fake smile as he popped the CD into the tv.

"Here we go." I mumbled.

The screen was blank at first, showing noting but fuzz. A few of coworkers began to mumble to themselves while his boss remained quiet. My father looked annoyed as ever but waited patiently as the screen started to brighten some more as someone removed their hand from the screen.

Everyone in the living room gasped as they saw Miyeon topless and in front of the camera. Right next to her were two naked guys with their dicks fully erect. I was the one on the left and Jimin on the right. The screen mainly focused on her so our faces were cut off.

"She sucked at giving a blowjob. You were a million times better" Jimin whispered.

"Thanks." I whispered back as I held his hand.

"You can't always get what you want Kyo." she said in the video as she began licking both dicks on the screen.

"Kyo what is the meaning of this!" his boss shouted.

It was so hard to hold in a giggle fit as I watched my father get bitched out by his boss. The others remained quiet, one guy was still looking at the tape. "Sir...I swear I don't know!" my father looked like an ass. While they were yelling at him, Miyeon's voice was moaning as the wet sounds of our dicks were emitting out of the speakers.

"Kyo is this some sick joke? Because if it is, you're FIRED." His shouted as he got up and stormed out of the room.

"Kyo...seriously? That wasn't funny" one of coworkers commented.

"Hey can I keep the tape?" another asked.

That was enough to break my hold. I clutched my sides as I laughed my ass off. Jimin remained dead quiet. "Man...somebody got screwed!" I said while laughing.

My father turned towards me with the most evil and disgusted look on his face. "Taehyung...where is she? Where the fuck is Miyeon and my CD?" he snarled.

."Gone. Both of them. And by the way that wasn't your CD, it was my mother's." he spat.

Everything happened so fast. One minute he was standing there and next thing I knew I was pinned up against the wall and his hand was on my throat. "You screwed me! Do you know what you've done!" he shouted.

"Yeah, pay back is a bitch right?" I said spitefully.

We both stared each other down as the sounds of Miyeon sucking our dicks on the TV echoed throughout the whole house. "Kyo...I see you're not ready to take the next step." One of his military friends said as he finally stood up and adjusted his jacket. "I'm disappointed in you." he added as he walked over and turned off the tv, and left the room.

My father's facial expression went from angry to just blank. He loosened his hold on me and took a step back."You better decide what you're going to do after high school because if you don't-"

"Yeah, yeah Military. Fuck you." I hissed. " It looks like you lost dad. I'm sure mom would be so proud of me."

My father face hardened a bit. "If only you knew.."

"Knew what?" I spat. "That mom killed herself out of depression? That she left a note for me and the keys to her apartment?"

His eyes widened, his jaw tightened. "You went snooping inside my office-"

"When were you going to tell me?" I shouted.

My father remained quiet.

"Well?" I persisted.

"I was never going to tell you." he hissed.

It took everything in me not to lunge at him and kill him. "I see...well you've been caught in your own fucking lies. So where is it? Where is the fucking keys?" I asked.

My father smiled venomously and shrugged. "Gone, just like your mother."

"You bastard!" I shouted as I jumped for him.

"Taehyung no!" Jimin shouted as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me back. "He's not worth it! Please...don't do this!"

"You should listen to your friend Taehyung." My father cooed as he walked over to his brief case.

"Jimin let me go! I'm going to fucking kill him.!"

"If you kill him you'll never find the key!" Jimin said as he leaned up against me ear. "And besides...he doesn't have it on him." He whispered.

I stopped struggling and stared at my father. I didn't want to answer Jimin's response right away since I got the hint. "I see. Well you better get on your knees and go suck your boss's dick if you want your job" I smiled.

My father's face hardened again and instead of yelling at me he stormed out of the living room, calling after his boss. Once he was gone I turned to Jimin, demanding answers. "How do you know it's not on him?" I asked.

Jimin smiled as he reached inside his pocket. He took out a metal key with a small loophole on the top. On it said an apartment number. "While you two were going at it, I snuck over to his brief case and took it out. Look it even says the name of building on the back." He turned the key around showing the name of the apartment building. 

"'re amazing." I said as I brought him in for a kiss.

"I know" he beamed and he wrapped his arms around my neck. "But...what if he finds out?" he asked.

"He won't because I'm not going to keep it." I said as I took the key from him. "I want you to have it."

"But...Taehyung...are you sure?" he asked. "I mean your mother gave the apartment to you and-"

"I'm just asking you to hold it and it's technically our apartment." I said brightly.

Jimin's face lit up like a firework. "You want to live together?" I nodded. "Oh my god! Yes!" he squeaked as he jumped on me and kissed me.

"I love you" I said.

"I love you too" he replied as he kissed me again.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I heard my father shout.

Jimin jumped out of my arms and hid behind me. I glared over to my father who had a shock expression on his face. "You'" He muttered.

"Yup. This is my boyfriend, Jimin." I said as I moved aside. My father gave him a disgusted look then returned it to me.

"Forget military, I want you out of my house after graduation. I don't want to share the same air with faggots like you." he snarled as he grabbed his brief case and bolted out the front door.

"And I wouldn't share the same existence with a cock face like you!" I shouted.

"Taehyung..." Jimin whispered.

I turned around to see tears fall down his cheeks. "Don't cry." I whispered as I brushed his tears away. "My father doesn't understand. I promise you that after graduation we won't have to deal with assholes like him anymore." I assured as I brought him in for a deep hug.

Jimin sighed in content and nodded. "I just want to graduate and leave this town." He whispered.

Me too Jimin...Me too

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