Ch 24: Taehyung

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That fucking creep had the fucking nerve to call me while I as with Jimin.

I pinched the bridge of my nose as I remembered the call.

 "Hey sexy" he said in his usual cocky tone.

"What the fuck do you want?" I spat.

 "I want to know your answer. I gave you a bit more time to think on your decision." He said. 

 "No, go to hell"

 "Fine then, your loss" he said. I couldn't almost imagine him smiling.

 "Fuck off!!" I shouted which caused a scene.

Jimin and Jisoo kept on harassing me with questions about that call. I didn't want to piss them off and hurt Jimin, not when we were so close to finishing school and such. 

Prom was tomorrow night and all day Jimin had been texting me saying how nervous he was. I told him everything was going to be alright.

I laid out my tuxedo and smiled at my accomplishment. It was black with a red tie and a red handkerchief. Very classy and very clean.

Just as I was about to grab my shoes my phone rang.

 I sighed deeply, guessing it was Jimin.

"Hey Taehyung!!" Jimin chimed.

"Hi Taehyung!!" Jisoo yelled in the background.

"Ow! Jisoo you yelled in my ear!"

"Then move your phone away from your ear!

I laughed my ass off. "So, what's up?"

"Jisoo wants you to sleep over tonight. And bring your tuxedo too." Jimin said.

"Oh! Take a picture with you wearing it first!!" Jisoo shouted again in the background.

"Alright I'll be there by eight o'clock." I said.

"Perfect! I love you" Jimin cheered.

"I love you too." I said as then hung up.

My phone rang ten seconds later. I guessed Jimin forgot to tell me something.

I was wrong.

It wasn't Jimin that called, it was Minhyuk.

"What the fuck do you want?" I snapped.

"I want to you to meet me by the restaurant at five. I want to settle this matter of Jimin like men. Don't worry I won't go after him. I just want to talk." He said calmly.

I arched my brow and thought about it. Was it a trick or was he serious? I had to be over by Jimin's house by eight. "Why can't we just do this over the phone?" I asked.

"Because it wouldn't mean anything. I want to see you face to face, plus a nice drink to clam the tension. C'mon just a drink and I'll be gone." he said.

I groaned in annoyance. "Fine, one fucking drink and that's it. You better give me a good reason as to why I'm coming over there." I hung up on him.


I was two hours late when I met up with Minhyuk.

"You're late." He said snidely as I approached him.

"So?" I spat. "Let's get this shit over with." I added.

"Fine...fine." He said as we walked into the restaurant.

We took a seat in a booth and sat in silence. The waiter eventually came and asked for our order

"Your finest whisky" Minhyuk said.

"Again? Don't you know how to drink anything else?" I asked. "Oh never mind whisky is a whore's drink." I spat.

Minhyuk's jaw tightened. "Two glasses please." He said, I could tell he was holding back his anger.

"So...what the fuck did you want to talk about?" I asked. 

Minhyuk's jaw relaxed abit as a smile curved onto his lips. "I'm not going after Jimin anymore. I don't see the point in just...chasing something I'm never going to get." He said.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Is that it? How do I know you're not bullshitting me?" I asked.

Minhyuk smiled as he reached into his pocket and took out a plane ticket. "Here's my proof. I'm leaving." He said as he tucked it back into his coat. "My flight leaves tonight. I'm done with Busan." He added as the waiter came back with our drinks.

I relaxed abit and nodded. "Fine." I said.

"Good, I'm glad we can sort things out peacefully" he said as he grabbed the two glasses and handed me one. I took it without thinking and drank, the sour burning taste of the whisky slid harshly down my throat. It was horrible and to be honest I didn't remember whisky ever tasting like medicine.

 I looked up Minhyuk as my vision suddenly became blurred.

Fuck, I've been tricked.

"You...fu..cker.." I slurred as I tried to get up. "You...tricked me.." I hissed. 

That asshole slipped something into my drink. 

Minhyuk held my arm down and smiled. "I may not be able to have that little whore you call a boyfriend but I know something that can break his little fucking heart, and you Taehyung, are exactly what I need." He said seductively.

I tried to speak but I wasn't able to form any words.

Then everything around me spun like crazy and eventually my vision went black.

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