Ch 16: Taehyung

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All day I've been prancing all around, getting everything ready. My father and Miyeon noticed my upbeat attitude but decided to leave me alone about it which was good because I wasn't in the mood to hear them bitch and moan.

I pulled out my IPod and instantly played EXO's Ko Ko Bop. While listening to that I was in the kitchen baking peanut butter cookies with M&M's and while doing all that I was shirtless in my TA TA pajama pants.

"Taehyung" I heard my father shout over my music.

I sighed deeply as I put the cookie batter down and walked out into the living room. "What." I spat.

I wasn't about to let him ruin my mood.

My father's eyes twitched to my rudeness but I didn't give a shit. Miyeon sat next to him looking as slutty as ever. "Taehyung, I want to know what are your plans for college." He said stiffly.

"Why do you care?" I hissed.

My father's gaze darkened. I loved pissing him off because he looked like a jackass when he was pissed. "I want to make sure you do something with your life. If you don't make a decision soon I'll enlist you into the military myself." He snarled.

Miyeon giggled like an idiot and rubbed my father's inner thigh. "Don't be so tough on him, he's young and naïve. Let him have his fun for now." She looked over to me with a slutty smile. "After all he been in a very generous mood lately, perhaps he has a new girlfriend?" she asked.

I knew where she was getting at and I didn't like the looks of it. "No one asked you for your opinion and Dad-" I looked over to him. "I'm not joining the fucking Military. Just because you were some gun crazy jackass doesn't mean I have to be one too." I spat.

My father's eyes widened as he rose to his feet. "KIM TAEHYUNG! YOU'RE OUT OF LINE YOUNG MAN!" he roared like a fucking moron. I simply rolled my eyes and shrugged. Every time he yelled at me, it only made him look that much of an ass.

"Don't you have a secretary to fuck?" I spat as I looked at the time. I know my father was cheating on Miyeon with yet another woman. One day my father came home smelling like some cheap perfume and Miyeon never wore cheap perfume.

"What is he talking about?" Miyeon asked as she stood up as well.

My father's face turned three shades of red ad he gave me the dirtiest look I've ever seen. "You're just like your mother, even down to the attitude." He spat.


I hated it when he brought up my mother into the arguments. She was in a better place and I rather have her in a better place than her name coming out of his fucking mouth. "Time is ticking Dad, your secretary won't wait forever to suck your limp dick." I said venomously.

My father's face turned blood red and I could tell it took every fiber of his being not to jump over the couch and kill me. "I don't why I put up with you." he spat as he stormed out of the room. "Miyeon, lets go." He added as he opened the front door and walked out.

"Asshole." I shouted as I walked back into the kitchen and continued to mix the cookie batter. Miyeon then entered the kitchen and opened the fridge, pretending to look for something. "What do you what." I spat. I wasn't in the mood for her and if she had a wise comment to say to me I definitely had a shit load of comebacks ready for her.

Miyeon slowly closed the fridge and looked at me with sad eyes. " he really cheating on me?" she asked timidly.

I put down the bowl I was mixing and stared at her. She really looked sad and hurt. "MIYEON! Let's go!" my father shouted from his car. Miyeon flinched in her spot and gave me another sad look before leaving the kitchen.

I shook my head as I took out my IPod and continued to listen to music as I baked the cookies. I had other things to worry about.

Miyeon should have opened her eyes from the beginning and saw how much of a bastard my father really was.

She also should have opened her eyes and see that she took my mother away from me.


After baking all the sweets, I ran upstairs and packed a basket with a large picnic blanket and grabbed my stereo. As I was about to leave my cell phone began to ring.

I grabbed it and saw it was Jimin calling.

"Hey sexy" I answered as I held the phone between my ear and my shoulder as I managed to go down the stairs with all my supplies.

"Hey Taehyung...umm I forgot what time I was supposed to meet you there." He said timidly. I couldn't imagine him blushing and playing with his bottom lip.

"I said after twelve, it's only..." I looked at the clock and it said 1:10 on it. "Oh shit your late." I teased in a fake angry tone.

"Oh my god! I'm soo sorry!! I'll be there right away-"

"Jimin it's alright." I laughed. "I should have called to remind you and its okay I'll pick you up once I'm done." I said as I placed the picnic basket on the kitchen table.

"Okay Taehyung...I'll see you later then." He said as he hung up.

I put the phone aside and placed the batch of cookies inside the basket along with the picnic blanket, regular blanket for the both of us, cups, napkins, and a large bottle of Cherry Absolute Vodka, which I stole from my father's liquor cabinet, and a few other necessities for the trip.

Time for me to change and go pick up my little mochi.


"Jimin hurry up!" I called out from my car.

Jimin came out of his house all flustered with the cutest pout ever. He looked really cute, wearing black skinny jeans, a tight long-sleeved shirt and black converses and his hair was parted in the middle, showing off his forehead. "You sure are in a rush." He huffed as he got into the car and quickly kissed my lips.

It took me a moment to control myself as I gripped the steering wheel hard. My body wanted to let go and attack him with sweet kisses but I knew I had to save that for later. "Yeah because of the surprise." I said as I revved the engine and drove off.


We reached the Tomb just in time. I got out first and made Jimin stay in the car.

"Why?" he asked with a confused and hurt expression.

"Trust me." I said as I walked down the path to the pond. Ten minutes later after I finished placing everything out, I called Jimin. I heard the car door open and close and in minuets I saw him emerge from the path in the trees.

He stopped dead in his tracks as he started at me, his mouth was hung open. "Taehyung..this is..."

"For you Jimin...I did this for you..because I love you Park Jimin."

And I would give my life for you because that's how much I love you.

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