Ch 18: Taehyung

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I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and as I slowly opened my eyes and glanced around my surroundings, I realized I was at The Tomb. 

"Hmm...Taehyung.."I heard someone mumble.

 I looked down to see Jimin snuggled against my chest. His hair was covering his face and his leg was draped over mine.

"'s time to get up." I said as I kissed his hair.

He arched his back a little as he let out a soft moan."mmm....five more minuets mom.." he mumbled.

I smiled at his words and gently pushed him off me. "Wake up silly." I said as I got up and grabbed my clothes. I took out my cell phone and scowled at the numerous amounts of missed calls and text messages.

I got six missed calls.

Two were from my father.

Three were from Miyeon.

And one from an unknown caller.

Most of the other text messages were from Jisoo

I clicked the last message she sent me.


Dude I had a nice time with Hoseok XD!! Nothing happened though D: We just talked. I'll inform you and Jimin at school.


I looked at the time and it said 1:20 pm


"Jimin wake up! We totally missed school." I said as I walked over to him and shook him awake.

"Hmm...five more..WHAT!" he shouted as he jumped up frantically at the realization. "Oh my god! We had a major test today!" he panicked as he grabbed all his clothes from the ground and quickly put them on. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" he shouted as he rushed over to the table and began to clean up.

"Jimin calm down. We can still go and ask the teacher for a makeup date. Besides we need to pick up Jisoo." I said calmly as I helped him with the picnic table.

"Yeah but..." he sniffled. It broke my heart to see him cry.

"Jimin its okay" I said as I brought him in for a hug. "We are not going to fail. We just missed a day, who cares." I said as I kissed his cheek.

"I care." he whimpered.

I let out a content sigh as I hugged him tighter. "Let's just get everything in the car. I'll get you ice cream on the way to school."

Jimin looked up at me with the smile of a two year old. "Rocky Road?" he questioned.

"Anything you want." I smiled.


"I hope Jisoo isn't too upset with us. I mean we totally ditched her at school." Jimin sighed as he finished the last of his ice cream.

"Nah, once we tell her what we did I highly doubt she would be mad for too long." I said as I entered the parking lot to the school.

"Alright I'll run inside and ask the teacher for a makeup date and get Jisoo. Just wait out here." He said as he pecked me on the lips.

"Sounds like a plan" I said as I got out of my car.

"It will only take ten minutes." He assured as he jogged into the school.

"Sure...take your time." I teased as I leaned against my car.

"Taehyung! We need to talk!" Soomin's annoying voice rang out.

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