Ch 11: Jimin

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"Ah! Jimin it hurts!"

"Just hold still Jisoo, I'm almost done."

"AH! Jimin go slower!"

"If I do it will only hurt more!"

"Ugh! Fine then hurry it up! I don't think I can hold in another moan."

I sighed deeply as I applied some more sun block lotion on Jisoo's back. She had gotten a major sunburn over the weekend and needed some help applying it. 

"Alright I'm done." I said as I handed the lotion over to her.

"Ah that feels much better. You're really good with your hands" she teased.

"Whatever, just don't lie under the sun again." I said as I leaned back against a tree. Jisoo placed her lotion in her bag and leaned her body on top of mine. 

"So...what happened to you last Friday?" she asked as she played with the grass. From her tone, I could tell she was quite annoyed.

I frowned as I knew I was going to hear it from her after what I did last Friday. "Sorry I ditched you. I had a lot on my mind."

"Let me guess, problems at work?" she asked. She didn't know about the situation with Minhyuk.

"Yeah, something like that." I mumbled.

"Well I forgive you but if you have something on your mind you can always tell me. Besides Taehyung drove me home, but before that, he got into a major argument with his old preppy friends. It was fucking epic."

"What happened?"

"Well Soomin wanted to know why he was chasing after you and he told her to mind her own fucking business. She got a prissy and mad but the best part was that he told her he was gay and that he would gladly suck your dick." She chuckled.

"No fucking way. Did he really say that?" I was surprised.

"Yup and when I asked him about it on the way to my house he told me he meant every word of it. Congrats Jimin, Kim Taehyung wants to suck your dick. I'm jealous." She teased.

I smiled at the thought of Taehyung coming out. I was proud of him and I wanted ask him about it in class. 

"Jimin...I want to make a confession."

"What's on your mind?" I asked.

She leaned up and turned to look at me. "I like you a lot Jimin and I know you'll never return those feelings to me but I just been keeping this inside for a while." She sighed. "You're the only guy I've ever had a major crush on...but it sucks that you're gay." She smiled.

"Wow, I would have never known you had those feelings for me. Jisoo you're a really pretty girl and by the far the best friend I've ever had. I know you can get any guy in this school." I chuckled.

Jisoo put on a pout as she moved her body so that she was straddling me."So...if I do this." She grind me a little "Will that turn you on?" she asked.

"Nope, I get more aroused when it's a dick against mine." I said.

"How about this?" she asked as she grind me harder. I shook my head and she huffed. "Geeze you really are gay." She teased. "So can I at least kiss you?"

"Sure go ahead." I said as I turned my face to the side.

"No...I mean...on the lips." She said as she placed hands on either side of my face turned me to face her.

I've never kissed a girl before but I figured since it was Jisoo and I trusted her, it was alright. "Sure." I said.

She smiled brightly as she leaned in and brushed her lips against mine. It wasn't as bad as I imagined. Her lips were small and perky and she was really good on sucking my bottom lip, my guess she was trying to turn me on. 

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