Ch 12: Taehyung

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I thought Friday was never going to come.

Throughout school I couldn't stop thinking about Jimin. Jisoo noticed my unnaturally happy mood and questioned me about it during math.

"Dude...did you win the fucking lottery?" she asked as she played around with her pencil. "You're smiling like that cat from Alice in Wonderland" she added.

"I'm just happy today. Is it a crime to be happy?" I asked.

" depends." She smiled. "No seriously what got you all giddy?"

"I think I'm in love." I said with a lopsided boxy smile. "And I mean really in L-O-V-E"

Jisoo gasped abit and leaned in closer to me. "Is it a certain someone we both know?" she asked.

I nodded my head. "I definitely want to suck his dick." I teased. 


Later that day, after as I was getting my books from my locker, Soomin approached me and she looked so determined to tell me something. 

"You're not gay." She said.

"And who are you to tell me what I am?" I asked flatly as I tried to ignore her presence.

"You're not gay!  It's not possible. It's not fucking fair!" she said as she raised her voice.

I turned around and shushed her before any teachers could hear. "Soomin please stop this nonsense. I already told you that I'm gay. I like Jimin and that's final." I hissed.

"But didn't you hate him before? You made his life a living hell, which I didn't mind since I don't like him or his gothic friend either." She said nonchalantly. "Why the sudden change?" she asked.

"Jungkook" was all I said as I slammed my locker shut.

"Jeon Jungkook? He was a real cutie. Too bad he had to die of cancer"

"It was a terminal illness, not cancer." I hissed. I couldn't believe she was so heartless and inconsiderate about everything around her. It's sad because I used to be just like her.

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes. "But you do know Minho took your spot on the football team?"


"And...I'm sleeping with him?"

"So? Tell me something I don't fucking know." I spat.

Soomin gave me a stupid insulted look and flicked her tongue. "That everyone in school will find out that you're a faggot and your reputation will go downhill. How do you feel now?" she asked spitefully.

"How do I feel?" I chuckled. "I feel great." I said. Her mouth dropped open with utter shock.

"Bu-But I'm giving you a chance to come back to us! I swear to fucking god if you don't take me back I'll make your senior year a living hell." She hissed.

"I don't give a flying fuck what you or the others do to me. You're just like everyone one of those fucking douche bags. I don't even know why I was like you guys but I know very well I don't want to go back to that life. This conversation is over. Don't fucking talk to me anymore." I snapped as I swung my back pack over my shoulder and walked out of the building.


I was slightly annoyed by the time I got home but I didn't want to let my mood affect my study session with Jimin. As soon as I entered the door, I saw Miyeon lying on the couch watching a re-run of Desperate Housewives. She should be in that show since she is the perfect despite housewife. As I shut the door behind me, Miyeon turned her head over to my general direction and smirked.

"Hello Taehyung, how was school?" she asked sweetly. I hated when she faked being nice in front of me. That only meant my father was home, probably getting ready for work. I wasn't going to be there long. n.

"Fine." I replied blandly as I walked past the couch and into the kitchen. I opened up the cabinets and grabbed the box of pop tarts and threw them in my bag. I then opened the fridge and grabbed two water bottles, in case Jimin wanted something to drink.

"So...where's the party??" I heard her ask. I turned to see here leaning against the door frame, that stupid smirk was still plastered to her face.

"Nowhere" I said as I hoisted my back pack over my shoulder.

"Then where are you going?" she asked. Her questions were starting to annoy me.

"None of your fucking-"

"Taehyung!" my dad called out from the living room. Miyeon snickered abit as she waltzed out of the kitchen.

I gripped my back pack and followed Miyeon into the living room where I saw my father standing in front of the mirror, fixing his tie. "What do you want?" I spat.

He shot me a death glare and stood firmly in his spot. "First of all, change that fucking attitude. As long as you live under my house you'll show some respect to me and Miyeon." He hissed.

I rolled my eyes and sighed."Your point?"

My father narrowed his eyes and grunted, clearly disapproving of my behavior. "Taehyung I've noticed your grades have been increasingly good. I want to know what your plans for college are. Is it either military or Harvard University?" he asked.

I put on a face as I stared at him, unable to believe he just gave me two fucking options about my future. "I thought it's supposed to be what wanted." I spat.

"It is, but I would rather prefer if you-"

"Neither. I won't go to Harvard and I definitely am not joining the military. I'm not doing this to make you happy." I cut in.

"He's obviously confused." Miyeon commented.

"Shut the fuck up you stupid whore." I shouted.

"TAEHYUNG! That's no way to speak to your mother!" my father shouted over me.

"Fuck you and fuck her! She is NOT my real mother. My REAL mother is dead." I growled. I was getting a headache by yelling at him. We could never have a decent conversation without one of us screaming at the other. "It's your fault that's she's dead." I seethed.

My father's face hardened to that comment. I clearly didn't know why she had killed herself but those words slipped out in the heat of the moment. Miyeon, for once, stood quiet in the corner. " and I both know your mother took her OWN life. I had nothing to do with her suicide." He said softly.

I was on the verge of tears but I didn't want to look like a bitch in front of him. I didn't want to give him or Miyeon the satisfaction of seeing me cry. I just shook my head and adjusted my back pack.



"Who the hell is that?" Miyeon said as she walked over to the window. "I see a black Nissan Sentra." She added.

"I'm leaving, that's my ride." I said as I pushed past my father. Before leaving I looked back to my father with a smirk. "You can't always get what you want dad. Just like mom, you're dead to me." I hissed.

I didn't allow my father to answer back since I slammed the door in his face. I was sick and tired of him and that whore. I missed my mother so much that it hurts just to think about her. I really wanted to know why she killed herself. I wanted to know why she would leave me without even saying goodbye.

I got into Jimin's car and sighed. "You ready?" I asked as I looked over to him. 

Jimin slightly smiled and nodded. "Yeah, i'm ready." he said as he drove away from that hell I called home.

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