Ch 10: Taehyung

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When I woke up the next morning, Jimin was already gone. I had figured he went to work but I then remembered he told me about a guy who bothered him. If Jimin nearly tried to kill himself out of paranoia then this guy must have been bad news.

I texted Jisoo and asked her where Jimin worked at. She told me it was a bar/ restaurant called Choji's. 

I've been there once with my dad, it was a nice place.

When I got to Choji's, Jisoo was already waiting for me at the front. She had on an apron that said Sally's Pet Shop. When I looked at her weirdly, she told me to shut up and follow her.

"Dude, where the fuck is he?" Jisoo asked as we both found a seat.

"I was with him last night and-"

"Oh my were with him last night?" she asked with a cheesy grin.

"Jisoo, nothing happened."

"Sure...that's what all say. I see you're not gonna tell. That's fine. When I see Jimin on Monday I'll get the answers out of him." She cooed.

I rolled my eyes and smiled abit. "Whatever. Look I don't see him so either he's in the bathroom or he's not here yet."

"So...why are you here?" she asked.

"Well do you want to know the reason why he's been acting so paranoid lately?" I asked and she nodded. "It's because there is this guy that comes in here and stares at him. He didn't go into too much details but I figured it must have been some old pervert trying to scare the crap out of him." I said.

"Well let's just find that old man and beat him up!...wait that didn't sound right." She smiled.

"No...I think the person might be younger but still older than Jimin. I'll wait here for a bit, but...don't you have to go to work?" I asked as I looked at her apron.

"Oh yeah...well I'll see you later." she said as she got up and left.

I sat there at the table and waited until a male waiter approached me. His name tag said Hoseok on it. 

"What can I get you?" he asked. 

"Just some water." I said as I continued to look around.

"C'mon kid at least order some food." He insisted.

"Fine, fries" I said.

"Alright, water and fries coming up." he said as he wrote my order down and walked off.

"Hey cutie, I've never seen you here before." I heard someone say. I looked up to see a really cute guy standing on the other side of the table. He had jet black hair and black sunglasses. He was nicely sculpted on his face and looked to be at least my height or maybe an inch taller. "Mind if I keep you company?" he asked as he pulled out the chair and sat across from me.

I felt so disgusted to have some random guy just walk up and sit down. "I'm actually waiting for someone." I said, looking past him. I was hoping Jimin would walk in any minute.

"Well, that gives me more reasons to keep you company." He said with a grin. "I'm also waiting on someone to come." He added.

I furrowed my brow and glared at him. It looked like he wasn't going to move anytime soon. "Whatever." I said.

The guy continued to stare at me some more and I could tell by the way his lip twitched that he was thinking something about me. "So...what's your name?" he finally asked.

"Taehyung. Yours?" I asked.

"My name is not important. How about a drink?" he asked. I arched my brow at the stranger. He refused to state his name yet he wanted me to drink.

"I'm not old enough." I said. 

"Oh please a hot piece of ass like you obviously drank. Here, I'll get something easy...something that can slide down your throat with ease." He said in a tone that sounded pretty dirty to me.

" drink." I said as I looked over to see Hoseok approach us with my food.

"Alright water and fries." He said as placed my meal in front of me and glanced over to the stranger. "What can I get you sir?" he asked.

"Two shot glasses of your finest whisky. And I'll pay for his meal" he said as he took out a one hundred dollar bill.

Hoseok looked over to me with an odd look and shrugged. I still didn't understand the stranger's motive and I had hoped he wasn't some random drunk gay who liked to pick up people at bars. 

"So...who are you waiting for?" I asked as I picked up a French fry. The fries here were really large and it would take at least four to five bites to just eat one.

"Just a friend." He said as he took one of my fries and slid it into his mouth, almost as if he was going to deep throat it. "What about you? Are you waiting for your girlfriend?" he asked.

"No...I'm gay." I said blandly.

The stranger smiled this time and placed his hand under his chin. "I know, I was just testing you. I could smell a gay from a mile away." He said as he licked his lips. "So you have a boyfriend?" he asked.

"I...well no but I do like this one guy...I'm just not sure if he feels the same way about me." I said as I took another bite from my fry.

"Hmmm...what's his name?" he asked.

"Just a friend." I replied with a smile.

The stranger smiled even more and tilted his head to the side. Hoseok came back with the shot glasses of whisky and handed them over to the stranger. "Well here's to life." He said as he picked up his glass.

I picked up mine and placed it to my lips. The whisky smelled strong and as I drank it I almost wanted to throw it up. It was way too strong for me but the stranger didn't even seem fazed by the taste at all. He drank the entire glass and licked his lips again. "So...when is your friend coming?" he asked.

"He's supposed to be here by now." I said as I looked around. "But you know what I better go, I'm sure he probably went home or something." I said as I stood up.

"It's Minhyuk" he said.


"My name...its Minhyuk." He said as he took off his glasses. Right there I noticed the scar on his eye. He must have been in a pretty bad fight to have gotten that.

"Oh...nice to meet you Minhyuk and thanks for paying." I said with a small smile.

"No problem, Taehyung." He replied as he also stood up. "I like you a lot. We should do this again another time." He said with a grin.

"Umm...yeah...some other time." I said as I walked over to the bar where I saw Hoseok pouring up some drinks. " you know if Park Jimin is working tonight?" I asked.

"Jimin? Nah he took the day off, said something about a funeral." He replied.

I arched my brow, purely confused. Jimin never mentioned anything about a funeral. My best guess was that he ditched work because of that stalker that was bothering him. "Oh....okay thanks." I said as I left. 

I was really worried about Jimin and wondered where could he have gone to.

"So I see your friend is a no show." I heard Minhyuk say.

"Yeah...and I see your friend hasn't shown up either." I said as I looked at him.

Minhyuk simply smiled and reached into his pocket. " me sometime" he said as he took a piece of paper with a number.

"Uuh...sure." I said as I took the paper and stuffed it into my pocket.

Like hell I would ever call that guy.

He was too creepy.

Then again I felt like he knew something I don't know.

 I'll a keep an eye on him for now.

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