Ch 15: Jimin

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"Jimin, take this order to table six, and table three needs a refill on their drinks." Hoseok shouted over the commotion of customers around us.

"Right, got it." I replied as I picked up a tray filled with drinks and my notepad. I sauntered over to table three, which were four guys who couldn't shut up about some girl at their job. "Here are your drinks, anything else I can get you?" I asked with the usual manners.

"Nah, thanks kid." One of the guys spoke as he waved me off with his hand.


"Oh waiter, I would like to take my order now."

I cringed at the sound of that voice.

I glanced over and saw Minhyuk sitting at table six. He was sipping on a glass of water as his eyes were hidden beneath his black sunglasses.

I let out a sigh as I took out my note pad and approached his table. Minhyuk's smile grew even more with every step I made towards him. "What the fuck do you want" I snapped.

His's smile faded into a grin as he stood up straight in his seat. " Is that any way to talk to a customer? I'm sure you were taught better than that. Now do it again, and this time don't make me have to ask you twice." He said with a harsh tone.

I narrowed my gaze as I clenched the notepad in my hand. "How...may I serve you today...sir." I hissed.

Minhyuk tilted his glasses down, showing a bit of his eyes. "You can get on your knees and suck my dick. Oh and I prefer it rough" he grinned.

I felt my eyebrow twitch with annoyance. That fucker was really trying to get me fired. "I'm sorry sir but that's not an order. We serve food here, not sluts. If want your dick sucked then do it yourself." I snarled. "I'm pretty sure you're a pro at that." I added spitefully.

Minhyuk's jaw clenched. "Give me your finest whisky." He growled.

"Anything else?" I asked in an annoying preppy voice.

Minhyuk pushed up his sunglasses and smirked. "Your body." He said in a sick tone.

I felt my insides churn with disgust but on the outside, I kept a straight face. "Sorry it's not for sale. You can't always get what you want." I spat.

"Hm...we'll see about that." He remarked. I arched my brow at that comment but decided to leave as is. Minhyuk was trying to get under my skin and I wouldn't allow him to do so.

I walked over to the bar and poured Minhyuk his drink. As soon as I returned to his table he was gone and I figured he probably went to the bathroom so I placed his drink on the table and left.

As soon as I went back to the bar, I noticed Hoseok was sitting down with his head in his hands. He was mumbling something under his breath and the only thing I caught was "whore."

"Who's a whore?" I asked as I sat next to him.

Hoseok looked up to at me and shrugged. "My girlfriend or now ex-girlfriend." He mumbled.

"What happened?"

"I found out she was cheating on me." He sighed. "After three fucking years, I find out she's been with another man. I treated her like a fucking queen and this is how she repays me? Fuck!" he slammed his fist onto the counter, causing a few customers to look our way.

"Dude just chill." I said as I placed my hand on his arm. "I'm sure you'll find another one."

"Well the truth is...I kinda did. I mean I haven't talked to her yet because...I don't know there is something about her that makes me all shy and shit."

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