Ch 9: Jimin

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I didn't know where I was as I was standing waist high in the middle of what it seemed to be a pond surrounded by a forest. I've been there once, when I was a little boy but that memory seemed so far away. 

The water was nice and cool beneath my feet and the air was moist. The smell of pine and maple swirled around me with a comforting embrace. 

I then looked all around and noticed a shadow standing by the tree. It looked like a person with baggy blue jeans and plaid black and white shirt. That person had brown hair hidden beneath a beanie and no eyes. I knew who that person was but I refused to believe it. I didn't want to believe that figure was Jungkook. 

" that you?" I asked as I took a step closer. The shadowy figure stepped back; its face was hidden in the shadow of the trees. "'s me, Jimin!" I spoke again. The shadow figure took a step forward into the light, thus revealing it's face. 

Jungkook had no eyes and his mouth open, exposing nothing but darkness. I flinched as I watched that demon or whatever it was approached the pond, a low hiss was emitted from his mouth. "You're not Jungkook...what are you!" I shouted. 

The demon stopped just in front of the pond and tilted its head to the side and morphed its shape into another person. As that was happening I didn't realize I was sinking until I felt the water touch my chin. I began to panic and attempted to move but that only made me sink deeper. As I sunk under the water I began to scream out for help and clawed for the top but just before the darkness engulfed me I saw a figure of Minhyuk hovering over the water and Jungkook's voice in my head. 

"This place will be your tomb.."

I sat up straight in bed, gasping for life. My heart pounded against my ribs and my head hurt. I had thought for a moment that I had drowned but it was just a dream.

 A very horrible dream.

 It didn't occur to me that I wasn't alone until I felt an arm around my waist. I looked to the side and saw Taehyung sleeping comfortably on my bed. I then remembered what happened yesterday and how I wanted him to stay with me. 

It was odd for me to ask Taehyung out of all the people in the world to lay with me but I needed to feel comforted. 

As much as I wanted to lay there with him I remembered I had to go to work and that meant I would have to see Minhyuk again. He hadn't done anything to me yet but I know when I least expected it, he was going to make his move. I could have told Taehyung who Minhyuk was but I didn't want him to get involved. Minhyuk is a very dangerous person and even if I have no proof I can see it in his eyes.

I looked at the clock saw that it was 12:00 pm . I knew I was going to be late for work so I took out my cell and instantly dialed the first number that came to mind. Within a couple of seconds Hoseok picked up.

"Hoseok here, whats up?"

"Hey Hoseok, its Jimin...look I can't come to work today...I have to attend to a funeral." I hated lying, especially to Hoseok. There have been numerous times where Hoseok had to take over for my shift.

"Oh...well alright then. Sorry for your loss and yeah you owe me next week! You better be ready to work the night shift." He said before hanging up.

I let out a deep sigh as I looked over to Taehyung again. He looked so cute when he slept. I liked the way he pursed his lips into a small pout and how his hair gracefully draped over his eyes. I smiled at him as I crawled off my bed. 

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