Ch 21: Jimin

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"Jimin, come down stairs, I have something for you." Jin called out.

"Coming!" I called back as I hopped off the bed and ventured downstairs. "What is it?" I asked as I entered the kitchen.

Jin sat at the table as he rummaged through his mail. He flipped one over and slid it across the table to me. I looked at it carefully as I picked it up and read it. It said Seoul University on it and my name. 

A smile tugged at my lips as I opened the letter and gasped.

I got accepted to Seoul University for photography.

"Oh my god I think I'm dreaming!" I squealed.

Jin laughed at my comment and took a sip of his coffee. "I assume you're planning on leaving after graduation?" he asked.

"Yeah, and don't worry about dorms, I already got a place."I said as I touched the key that Taehyung gave me which hung around my neck.

"Is that so?" he asked as he arched his brow. "Very well then. You should show this to your mother, I'm sure she would be proud of you."

"I'll go over to the rehab center and show her this right now." I said as I then dashed up the stairs threw on some random clothes and rushed out the house.

I couldn't stop jittering in my seat as I made it to the center. I parked my car, took the envelope with me and entered the building and as soon as I approached the front desk I noticed right away the receptionist had a weary look on her face. 

"Hello Jimin." She greeted me with little emotion.

"Hi, I'm here to see my mother." I said as I looked around the room.

"Sure..but don't be alarmed if she comes in with a guard." She said slowly. 

"What?" I was confused. "Did something happen?" I asked.

Just as she was about to answer, a male doctor who looked to be in his forties approached me. "Are you Park Jimin?" he asked.

"Y-Yeah...did something happen to my mother?" I asked. 

The doctor sighed abit and opened up a file he was carrying. "Your mother was put in here for drug abuse and prostitution." He paused for a moment as he scanned the rest of her file. "Two days ago your mother suffered from withdrawals. She lashed out on a nurse and two guards. We had to sedate her and put her in isolation. Jimin...your mother might not get out of here anytime soon." He said.

I was shocked at the news. I looked around the room at family members greeting their loved ones, other's were saying goodbye and leaving for the day. 

"I want to see my mother..." I demanded.

The receptionist and the doctor gave each other odd glances before nodding. "Just wait by that table" he said as he pointed off to the corner of the room.

 I nodded my thanks and went over to the table and sat. After twenty minuets my mother emerged from the large metal doors. She was sitting in a wheel chair and behind her was a large, bulky guard pushing her along.

I gasp mentally as I took in her ragged appearance. She looked worn out and tired and the red rings around her eyes signified she didn't get any sleep at all.

 As soon as the guard stopped in front of the table he positioned her to face me and stood by the corner. I returned my gaze to my mother and sighed. "Hi mom" I said softly.

My mother's eyes narrowed. "Hello Jimin." She said in a monotone.

"Mom...are you okay?" I asked as I reached my hand out and touched hers.

"I'm fine." She said blandly. "How about you?" she asked.

"I'm doing okay...I wanted to show you something." I said as I took out the letter and showed it to her. "I got accepted into a college in Seoul." I smiled.

My mother's face dropped a little. "Seoul...why so far away?" she asked.

I felt slightly hurt by her tone. She sounded upset. "Well...I just wanted a change of scenery." I said."Plus it's a really good school." I added.

My mother's face remained the same. "You'll be so far away." She whispered.

"I know mom." I said.

"Well hopefully when I get out of here, I can go to your graduation and see you off to Seoul." she said as a smile lifted itself on her lips.

It was my turn for my face to fall. "Mom...about that. I know what happened and the doctor told me-"

"Fuck the doctor!" she spat. I jumped to her sudden rudeness. "I want to get out of here and see you!"

" won't be coming out." I told her.

Her face froze.

"What do you mean?" she uttered as tears rimmed in her eyes. "I'm never coming out?" 

I nodded in response as I was on the verge of tears as well. "You have to stay for a while...just until you get better."

"But I am feeling better! Please don't tell me this...please Jimin.. I want to get out of here." She begged.

"Mom..I'm sorry" I said as I stood up. "You need to stay here for a while. I want you to get better."

"No...please don't leave me!" she shouted as she jumped off the chair and hugged me tightly. "I don't want to be alone." She whispered.

The guard became hesitant and walked towards us. I put my hand up, signaling him to stop before placing my hand on the small of my mother's back. 

"Mom...please you have to let me go. One way or another I'm going to leave Busan eventually." I whispered as I pushed her gently off me. "You need to get better. I know this is hard, hell this is torture to me but this for me. Prove to those fucking doctors that you can get better. No more fighting." I said.

My mother released her hold on me and sighed. "Alright.." she said as she sat back down on her wheel chair. "I'll get better and when I do I'll come and visit you in Seoul." she looked up at me with a hopeful smile. "And we can go shopping, just you and I." she added.

My heart was breaking with every passing second. My mother didn't understand that she wouldn't be able to get out for a very long time. "Get better mom." I said as I leaned down and kissed her cheek.

"I promise Jimin." She said as she was wheeled away. "I love you Jimin." She called out before being whisked away through the doors.

"I love you too mom." I said to myself as I waited a moment before walking out of there. As soon as I got into my car I broke down crying. It hurt so much to see her stay there but I knew she wouldn't survive one day out in this society without help.

I took out my cell phone and dialed Taehyung's number as my sobs were getting worse.

"Hey Jimin what's up?" Taehyung answered.

"Taehyung...can I come over for a while. I just...need someone to talk to right now." I sniffled

"The front door is unlocked." He replied.

"Thanks." I uttered as I revved up my engine and drove out of there.

I just needed some peace from all of this stress and I needed Taehyung on me, inside me and all over me.

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