Ch 30: Taehyung

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"No please don't say that! Please!" Jimin begged as he clung to me. 

"Taehyung! Help is on the way! Just fucking hold on!" Jisoo sobbed as she held her phone to her ear. 

My heart began to slow down.


I wasn't ready to die.

Not like that.


All the pain started to fade as my body felt incredibly light. 


I heard Jimin's voice but he was fading from me. 


"Don't close your eyes!"

I can't help it Jimin

I'm so tired.

I'm just going to sleep.




At first, the darkness engulfed me, leaving me alone in silence but suddenly a small light appeared from the corner of my eye. I turned to that light and saw a figure standing in front of it with a wide bunny smile. 

It was Jungkook. 

"'s not your time." He said to me with a soft bunny smile. "You can't leave Jimin alone. You promised you'd take care of him."

"I know but-"

"No excuses, you need to go back. Jimin needs and I know you need him. NOW GO!"

I sighed deeply as I nodded in reply. He was right, I had to go back to Jimin because he needed me and I made a promise to Jungkook that i'd take care of him. " was nice to see you again."

"Tell Jimin I love him and I'll be watching all of you. Go Taehyung, wake up."

"How do I wake up from this?"

"Just open your eyes and when you do, don't forget to smile." 

His voice along with his figure began to fade as the light behind him grew darker and darker. It got to the point where I couldn't hear him anymore as everything went dark and quiet.

Open your eyes Taehyung

And don't forget to smile.





I slowly drew my heavy eyelids open and looked up at a white ceiling. Next to me, I heard my heart beeping in a machine.

Where the hell am I?

As I began to stir and found it hard to move, I looked down to see two heads lying on my lap. 

"Jimin...Jisoo" I was shocked at how groggy and ugly my voice sounded.

Both of them began to stir as Jimin opened his eyes first. The moment we made eye contact my heart skipped a few beats. He looked really tired and in pain and I noticed he still wore his tuxedo but I saw a large bandage wrapped around his torso.

 "Taehyung.." he whispered as he gripped my hand. 

"Hey.." I said as I gripped his hand tighter.

"Hmm....I don't want to go to school.." Jisoo mumbled as she awakened. As soon as we looked at each other she gasped out loud. "Taehyung" she beamed. 

"Hey guys...what did I get here?" I whispered.

Jimin and Jisoo gave each other odd glances before looking at me again. "You don't remember?" Jisoo asked.

"Just bits and pieces. I remember pain then nothing."

Jimin let out a deep sigh. "You were stabbed" he said.



"By Minhyuk right?" They nodded. "And...where is he?" I asked.

Jimin's face went blank. "He's dead. You killed him." He whispered.

I killed Minhyuk?

"How?.." I asked, shocked replaced in my voice

"You shot him with his gun. It must have fallen out of his jacket when you jumped him. He..." Jisoo looked at Jimin with a nod. "He was hurting Jimin." She said as she looked over to him.

Jimin made a sound like a whimper and touched his torso. "You saved me. Thank you." he whispered.

The room suddenly became quiet as the three of us just sat there, holding hands. "I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions." Jimin whispered.

"No...I shouldn't have gone after Minhyuk. If it weren't for me, you two wouldn't have been hurt and we'd still be at prom having fun." I sighed.

"Eh, prom sucked ass." Jisoo mused.

Jimin and I broke out into a laughing fit and agreed. "Yeah the music was horrible and everyone was really drunk off their asses." I added. "But still...I'm sorry guys, I really am."

Jisoo shook her head and leaned and kissed my cheek. "I can't be mad all the time." She smiled. "Right Jimin?" she glanced over to him.

Jimin looked away from us. I can tell he was still hurt by everything that's happened. I gripped his hand tighter, hoping he could forgive me. 

Jimin slowly looked over to me as a small smile formed on his plumped lips. "Taehyung...thank you." he said as he leaned in and brushed his lips against mine.

Our lips molded as one as we made out on the hospital bed. "Oh lord.." we both heard Jisoo mutter. "By the time you guys finish, graduation would already be over." She teased.

As Jimin and I continued to kiss, I could almost hear Jungkook's voice in the back of my mind. 

And just for a moment thought I heard him laugh.

Tell Jimin I love him and when you wake up, don't forget to smile.

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