Ch 29: Jimin

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We drove for an hour until we finally reached the pond. The night air was thick with humidity and bugs as I could smell the moss from the trees and faint aroma of water

 "Get out" Minhyuk said as he turned off the car and took the keys with him.

I did as told and got out and looked around, hoping to find a blunt object and as I spotted a large tree branch, I sprinted off to grab it. Minhyuk was faster and grabbed me by the back of my hair. 

"Where are you going?" he asked as she slammed my face into a tree. A new wave of pain washed over me. "The fun is just beginning" he added as he dragged me down the path to the pond.

I struggled weakly against his grasp as I  whimpered involuntarily. Minhyuk laughed at my weak attempts and threw me on the ground next to the pond. "Now...what to do with a slut like you." he said as he kicked me on side.

I whimpered in pain and tried to crawl away but Minhyuk stepped on my leg and climbed on top of me as he grabbed my face roughly and forced me to look at him. "I think I have a nice idea." He said as he took out a knife and began to cut open my shirt. I pushed against him but his hand came crashing down on my face.

"Fucker!" I shouted as I spat blood on his face. "I should have fucking killed you when I had the chance!" I snarled.

Minhyuk laughed like a crazy person as he slid the blade over my bare chest and traced over my faint scars. "You wouldn't even hurt a fly. You don't have it in you to kill let alone hurt someone." He said as he pressed the blade onto a scar near my stomach. "You know...your boyfriend is cute but not that smart. You should have seen the look on his face when he found out I drugged him. He was so helpless and when I took him home all I could do was watch as the drug took its effect." He giggled.

Taehyung was right...he never cheated on me. 

I shuddered to his touch and squirmed. "Why are you doing this? don't want to hurt're not a bad guy" I pleaded.

Minhyuk chuckled and pressed the blade harder against me. I felt the tip break the surface of my skin. "But I like being the bad guy. It's a lot of fun." He whispered as he held my hands over my head. "Now...scream like a bitch" he hissed as he sliced the blade over the scar, reopening the wound.

I bit my lip to suppress a scream but Minhyuk re-slide the blade again, going deeper on the wound. I screamed that time, the pain was like fire and acid all at once. With each cut I screamed louder and louder to point where I thought death was just watching my torture.

 Is this my this the end?

"Please...stop.." I begged between sobs. "Please..." my voice began to leave me.

"Once I'm done with you, I'm going to laugh as I watch your body sink to the bottom of the pond." He whispered as he brought the blade up to my neck. "But before that I'm going to cut you nice and slow right here." He taped on my neck. "And like a vampire I'll indulge in your blood, savoring every last drop. Then I'll watch as you gag on your own blood and plead for your last breath. And finally I'll throw you down the pond. By the time your lover comes, IF he even comes, you'll be nothing but food for the fishes." He hissed.

"Who are you.." I uttered.

"Your worst nightmare." He chuckled as he raised the knife high above his head. "Now...any last words?" he asked.

I closed my eyes and shook my head. If I were to die, then at least Jungkook would be waiting for me. 

As I took a breath I waited for the knife to plunge into me, Minhyuk's weight shifted, then I felt noting at all. I opened my eyes and saw Taehyung on top of Minhyuk, punching the life out of him.

"Jimin!" I heard someone shout.

 I looked over to see Jisoo running down the path towards me. Her beautiful white dress was stained with her own blood. "Jimin oh my god!" she screeched as she knelled next to me and sat me up. "What the fuck did he do to you!"

"Jisoo don't move me too much!" I whimpered as blood oozed down my chest.

"And this time stay the fuck down!" Taehyung shouted.

"Taehyung..." I whispered.

Taehyung looked over to my direction as his eyes softened and his smile slowly slipped onto his lips. "Jimin I-AH!" his face turned into pain as a painful screech left his lips.

 I looked to the side to see Minhyuk with a knife deep into Taehyung's side. 

Taehyung fell over with the knife in him as blood was rapidly coming out.

Time seemed to have slowed down as everything around me went dim expect for Minhyuk. He was staring at Jisoo and I, the look of a monster was clearly evident in his eyes.

One step then another, Minhyuk looked completely psychotic as he had blood all over his face.

"Taehyung!!" someone screamed. I turned to Jisoo but she remained motionless, her mouth was closed.

It was me

I was the one screaming

I was the one crying

Minhyuk was three feet in front of us, his smile showed blood on his teeth. As he was about to make his move, he suddenly stopped moving as his face went blank.


The sound of a gun echoed across the pond and throughout the woods around us. 

I looked over to Minhyuk and noticed blood was coming down his chest and I spotted a small hole the size of a dime.

Minhyuk took another step, and another as his face became pale and blood seeped out of his mouth.

He then fell to his knees as his hand extended out to me. 

I looked to the side and saw Taehyung fall back onto the ground with gun at his side. I looked back to Minhyuk and gasped.

His face turned white as a sheet and very slowly he fell to the side and slide into the pond. I watched as the refection of his face faded into the black abyss of the pond, and then it clicked in my mind.

This place will be your tomb

Jungkook wasn't referring to me. 

 He was referring to Minhyuk. 

This was Minhyuk's tomb.

"Jimin...please we need to help Taehyung!" Jisso said as she gently shook me.

I was brought back to my senses and realized she was right. Very slowly I got to my feet, with Jisoo's help and hurried over to Taehyung. He wasn't looking too good as his face was pale and his hand was clutching his open wound. The grass around him was red with blood as the knife laid quietly at his side.

"Taehyung" I whispered as I caressed his cheek. "I'm so sorry..."

"Jimin..." Taehyung lifted his bloody hand and touched the tip of my lips. 


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