Ch 7: Jimin

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The test on Friday was a pretty easy and I had to admit that I was impressed with Taehyung as he stood the entire period taking the test. He really seemed like he wanted to change and he was proving it to me a whole lot. 

The fact that I decided to head over to his house for studying scared me. I thought studying at my place was going to be easy but I couldn't stop thinking about Jungkook and I couldn't stop thinking about what happened in my room. I never expected Taehyung to wipe my tears away and touch me the way he did. 

Ever since Jungkook, died I've yearn for that special touch and Taehyung had it. I must have thought I had imagine it, but after he left, that cool electric feeling remained on my cheek the entire night. Another thing that was on my mind was the fact that we almost  kissed. Just the thought of kissing Taehyung scared me a lot.

"Hey Jimin, table two needs more drinks." I snapped back to reality and looked at Hoseok, my coworker.  

I got a new job at a bar/restaurant called Choji's (pronounced Cho-gee) and I worked there every Saturday. The owner was some Japanese guy who used to work for the yakuza. Since then he's retired and opened up a restaurant. I met the guy once when I came for an interview and he was really nice. It was hard to imagine a nice old man like him could have been in the yakuza. It pays a lot more then my previous job and the tips are pretty good too. I tried to get Jisoo a job there but on her first day she got fired for yelling at a customer. 

Jisoo decided to work in the pet store next door.

"Alright two drinks coming up!" I said as I filled up two jugs of beer. I finished filling up the glasses and went over to the designated table. Two old women sat by it, both giggling and blushing to my delight.

 "Thank you so much Jimin," one of the ladies regarded. 

"You're very welcome ladies, anything else I can get you?" I asked politely. 

"No that will be all for today Jimin." one of them said as she took a swing off her drink.

I smiled politely and nodded as I returned to my station behind the bar. We didn't get many customers in the mornings but at night it was a different story. It was a good thing I didn't deal with the night shift because Hoseok told me I wouldn't be able to handle it.



"Hoseok cover for me, I'll be in the bathroom." I said as I tossed my apron under the bar counter and hurried off the men's room.

"You better be back in ten minutes." Hoseok called back.

Hoseok was a nice guy, a street dancer originally from Gwangju. Hoseok and I got our jobs on the same day and instantly we became good friends. He knew I was gay and he didn't seem to mind. 

I entered the bathroom and checked to see if it was empty. I then looked down to my cell to see two text messages from Taehyung and Jisoo.


Hey Jimin...umm..I just wanted to say hello...and...thanks for the study session.

I felt my cheeks burn from the thought of what happened on Thursday.


You're welcome. :D And Hello to you too

As I send off that message I read Jisoo's.


The pet store smells like crap D: 

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