Ch 5: Jimin

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I didn't know what I had gotten myself into when I had invited Taehyung over to my house. I spent that whole night thinking about all the scenarios that could happen.

"Dude are you sure you want to bring Taehyung over to Jungkook's house?" Jisoo asked as we both were in the middle of History. I had told her about Taehyung and she seemed okay with everything.

"Yeah I thought about it for a long time. I have settled my differences and it's not like we are doing anything funny. It's just studying." I said as I jotted down some notes from the board.

That all it was, studying. 

"Well if want me to come over, I wouldn't mind." Jisoo said as she wrote in her notebook. "It's not like I don't trust him it's just...well you two had some bad history and..."

"It's okay Jisoo, I can pretty much handle Taehyung on my own. I don't think he would do anything suspicious. Even today, I didn't seem him being bombarded by the usual group of preps he usually hung out with." I said as I looked over to her. "Not even that Soomin chick was around with him."

"Yeah I noticed that too. And I also noticed he has been into his work. In Math he was practically raising his hand and answering a lot of questions. He never did that last year." Jisoo commented.

So perhaps Taehyung was changing for the better but for how long he can keep it up was anyone's guess. Deep down I really wished he could fully change. He'd actually be a lot cooler to hang out with.


"Single-Celled Organisms are the benefactor of all living things ..." Mrs. Shin went on with the lecture of single-celled organisms and how they function.  I was bored out of my mind but all of that was on the test on Friday so it was mandatory to pay attention.

Taehyung surprisingly hadn't bothered me about coming over on Thursday, in fact he was too busy paying attention and taking down notes from what the teacher said. I smiled to myself as I actually stared at him as he wrote. His hair had gotten longer and I actually liked his hair like that.  I also noticed on his physical features, especially the fact that he lost weight and with all that weight loss he lost muscle weight as well. I then found my eyes trailing down to his chest, then to his legs. I bet they were nicely toned, due to being athletic. The more I stared at Taehyung the more strangely intrigued I've gotten. My eyes soon trailed themselves back up to his face where I caught him looking at me, or more like he had caught me.

"Instead of staring at me, you should be paying attention to the lecture, it's on the test." he said as a boxy smile slithered onto his lips. I could tell he was amused that I was staring at him. "Is there something on your mind?' he asked as he returned to his notes.

I felt my cheeks burn up with embarrassment.. "Well, not really." I said as I wrote some notes down. "You have changed over the summer...I just noticed that right now." I said as I glanced over to him.

Taehyung wrote down a few more notes before looking back up to me. "Yeah...everyone tells me that." He sighed. "I actually like the new look. I feel more lighter since losing all that ridiculous muscle weight." He added.

"Yeah but...don't you need that muscle for football? You are the captain of the football team after all." I said as I looked over to Mrs. Shin's lecture. "I'm not saying to gain all that weight back because I actually like you this way, you look different." I said, not looking at him.

Taehyung  remained silent for a few moments and I had thought I might have bothered him with that comment. As soon as Mrs. Shin turned to the board I glanced over and saw him smiling at me. Taehyung's smile was genuine and to be honest I've never seen him genuinely smile before, usually it's fake or filled with cockiness. 

"You like me this way?" he asked, I could clearly tell he was amused by my words.

"I..I umm....well...yeah." I said quietly.

Taehyung's smile grew more amused as he stared at me. I noticed his eyes were tracing around my face which made me blush even more. "I noticed you changed too. I like you that way too." He said as he looked at my lips.

The fact that he looked at my lips sort of turned me on in a strange way. "Really?" I asked as I slid my tongue over them. 

Just as he was about to say something else the bell rang. We both let out a disappointed sigh as we gathered our books. "So what time do you want me to come over on Thursday?" he asked as he shoved his books in his bag.

"Umm around three o'clock in the afternoon. That's when Namjoon and Jin leave for work." I said as I put my own books away.

"Who?" he asked.

I took a moment because I forgot that Taehyung wasn't too familiar with them at all. "Jungkook's cousin and his cousin's boyfriend." I said quietly.

"Oh...okay then I'll be there by three." He said as he picked up his bag and left.

I was the last one to leave the class room and thank god Jisoo was right there waiting for me. The look on her face said she knew there was something going on. 

"So tell me what happened?" she asked.

I smiled at her and grabbed her hand. Jisoo would not believe me if I had told her Taehyung and I had a nice conversation.

Or was it just more than that?

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