Ch 8: Taehyung [18+]

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 Fire surged through my body as our hips collided in a passionate rhythm. The smell of sex was in the air as our moans erupted into a sweet symphony. His hot wet skin slithered along with mine as the friction was barely even there to stop us. I was close and I knew he was close as well as I felt his walls tighten around me. 

"Ahh...Taehyung.." he whispered. His voice was like honey mixed with pleasure as it sent new waves of shivers down my spine and into my core. I gripped his hair and playfully pulled his head back, earning another angelic moan from him. "I about to cum..." he breathed. 

"Let's cum together" I said as I went faster inside him. I could feel my climax coming as his walls tightened harder around me. I titled my head back and let out a groan as I met my release. Jimin's body trembled beneath me as he had his. I didn't stop though and as I continued to ride out my orgasm, my head tilted to the side.

Standing by the corner was a faint shadowy figure. It was a young man with shaggy brown hair. He had on baggy blue jeans and a plaid black and white shirt. I knew who that was yet my mind refused to register what I was actually seeing. It was Jungkook but it really wasn't Jungkook at the same time. 

That Jungkook had no eyes and his mouth was open, exposing a black abyss. I stop mid thrust with fear. That demon in the corner continued to look at me with its mouth open. "You're not're not Jungkook." I said as I looked down to Jimin. My eyes widened with horror as he too had no eyes and his mouth was open, exposing a black abyss. 

"You can't always get what you want..." 

"Shit!" I shouted as I sat up straight in bed and looked all around. It was all a dream, or more like a nightmare. I sighed deeply as I looked at my clock and saw that it was three am. 

I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep, not after that weird nightmare.

That nightmare was way too real.

The look on Jungkook's face scared me half to death.

You can't always get what you want 

That demonic voice echoed inside my head, causing my goosebumps to rise. It was at that moment I realized something.  

I didn't want Jimin.

I needed him.


"Alright class, have a safe and healthy Halloween. Be sure to study for that we have a test next Friday." Our Biology teacher informed as she handed back our test papers. A month has passed since school started and already I passed most of my classes with good grades. Jisoo had been tutoring me during our breaks but I noticed Jimin hasn't been himself. I noticed he's been more...paranoid about something.

I got my paper back and was relieved to see a high score of ninety-five. I wanted to jump for joy but I decided to save that for later. "Alright! I passed!" I said as I looked over to Jimin. His head hung low as I saw a seventy on his paper. I was shocked to see him get such a low grade. "Dude are you alright?" I asked as I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Don't touch me!" he shouted as he slapped my hand away and jumped up. Everyone in the class turned their heads to our direction.

Was he mad at me?

"Mr. Park what is the problem here?" Mrs. Shin asked as she was clearly annoyed with Jimin's outburst.

Jimin's face turned red as he looked at me and at the teacher, then back to me again. "It's...nothing. I'm sorry Taehyung." He said with a weak smile.

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